Who Left The Envelope In Angela's Mailbox? Episode 9 Writer On The "Mystery" Behind The Letter

Kurt, Molly, or someone else? Scott Reynolds confirms who did it.


Yup, Dexter is in big trouble. During the final moments of the penultimate episode "The Family Business" Angela sees an envelope in her mailbox. She opens it and finds a note that says "Jim Lindsay killed Matt Caldwell", along with the rest of the titanium screws from Matt's leg. For some viewers the question was who left the envelope there. In the latest episode of the Fanaddicts podcast, writer Scott Reynolds confirmed something that was quite obvious for the majority of the fans.

When Clare Kramer and David Magidoff asked Scott Reynolds if Kurt was indeed the one who left the note, episode nine writer replied:

"It's funny it wasn't supposed to be a mystery in our heads [when we were writing about it]. It's a final "fuck you" from Kurt. In case you think it's Molly, why would Molly write a note like that, [I think] she would be like "how I turn this situation into my story to entertain the masses".

You can listen to the full episode of this week's Fanaddicts podcast here.

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