Dexter Season 6 Episode 4 "A Horse of a Different Color" review by DaemonsTV. For those who did watched it yet, the episode is now available by various torrent sites for download. "Dexter returned this week with “A Horse of a Different Color”, and the title seemed very appropriate, as this was definitely an episode of a different color as compared to the first three installments. The first three episodes were good, but really lacked a feeling of focus that would set the season in motion. This week’s installment looked to change that, and I think it did a great job.
We got our first look at how Deb’s replacement, Mike Anderson, is going to work in the scheme of the rest of the Miami Metro team. It’s tough as a long time Dexter fan to not have comparisons to Doakes come to you immediately, and no, not just because he’s black, you racist. Just once, I’d like to see a tall, strong, bald black man walk into a police department on a TV show and NOT be the tough guy. Wouldn’t that blow your mind if Anderson comes in and he’s a total softie? He starts quoting Voltaire and Shakespeare and greets everybody with an enthusiastic handshake and a cheesy grin. But no, he’s got something to prove so he acts like a huge jerk to everybody. He comes off very much like a slightly smarter Doakes. I guess now that Quinn has been reduced to a whiny little baby, the tough guy quota at Miami Metro needs to be fulfilled. Read more by clicking the link below...
Now moving on to changes that I actually did like, I’m glad that Dexter is taking a bigger role at Metro. This was one of the first times we’ve seen him acting as a coroner, and he was very vocal during the debriefing as well. I wish we got a little bit of explanation of his larger role at the police department, but it’s nice to see Dex out of the blood lab for once. Besides, there’s not enough room for him in there anymore with Ryan and Masuka’s drama.
I was a big fan seeing Ryan steal the hand from the Ice Truck Killer case, as I was so excited that we were getting references to past Dexter seasons. I mean, the ITK was season one! On a show that so frequently ignores or glosses over old characters and story lines, I loved having a reference from five whole years ago! This week, not only did the ITK hand come up again, but we got Ryan referencing The Trinity Killer and Bay Harbor Butcher! These, of course, are from seasons four and two respectively, and it was great to have them brought up again. I was excited to see some progression on Vince and Ryan’s relationship, but I was a bit disappointed that it looks like her thieving ways have come to an end when Vince found out that she was trying to sell the hand online. I hope we get to learn more about why she’s stealing evidence, and that there’s more to it than the money.
We got some more cool scenes between Colin Hanks’ Travis and Edward James Olmos, as we finally learn that Edward James Olmos’ character is actually real! Lots of people have been saying since episode one that Olmos was a figment of Travis’ imagination, a la Tyler Durden from Fight Club. We found out that his character was at least real at one time, as he is a profess or religious studies that disappeared three years ago. I’m getting more and more intrigued at their relationship with each episode, and the way that they dealt with the waitress here really intrigued me. I’m excited to get more on this, as Edward James Olmos and several other cast members have ensured us that this is the darkest season yet. The killing in the greenhouse definitely makes it feel like this is true.
Well, this show is called Dexter, so I guess I should talk about Dex’s story line this week. Harrison got a bad case of appendicitis, which brought Dexter, Deb, Harrison’s nanny Jamie and Brother Sam to the hospital to make sure he’s OK. This all seemed like an excuse to have Brother Sam’s back story told to Dexter, as we hear a truly horrifying story between him and his father. This definitely leads us to believe that there might be a darkness in Sam as Dexter expected, but it seems to be very well hidden. This exchange led to Dexter having his very first prayer, as he tried to get coffee out of a vending machine, only for the cup to get stuck. It was a bit corny that the cup only came out and filled itself with coffee once Dexter had prayed for Harrison’s life, but it was nice to see Dexter admit to at least the possibility of there being a higher power out there.
All of the hype of this season seems to be leading us to a spiritual awakening of sorts for Dexter. Now, I know he won’t go 180 degrees and become a door to door preacher, but seeing him open up to ideas and values outside of his very strict moral code is very refreshing for this show. I hope to see more development for Dexter here as it looks like he’s hot on the heels of the other hyper-spiritual member of the cast, Travis. We’ll see what happens next week!"
We got our first look at how Deb’s replacement, Mike Anderson, is going to work in the scheme of the rest of the Miami Metro team. It’s tough as a long time Dexter fan to not have comparisons to Doakes come to you immediately, and no, not just because he’s black, you racist. Just once, I’d like to see a tall, strong, bald black man walk into a police department on a TV show and NOT be the tough guy. Wouldn’t that blow your mind if Anderson comes in and he’s a total softie? He starts quoting Voltaire and Shakespeare and greets everybody with an enthusiastic handshake and a cheesy grin. But no, he’s got something to prove so he acts like a huge jerk to everybody. He comes off very much like a slightly smarter Doakes. I guess now that Quinn has been reduced to a whiny little baby, the tough guy quota at Miami Metro needs to be fulfilled. Read more by clicking the link below...
Now moving on to changes that I actually did like, I’m glad that Dexter is taking a bigger role at Metro. This was one of the first times we’ve seen him acting as a coroner, and he was very vocal during the debriefing as well. I wish we got a little bit of explanation of his larger role at the police department, but it’s nice to see Dex out of the blood lab for once. Besides, there’s not enough room for him in there anymore with Ryan and Masuka’s drama.
I was a big fan seeing Ryan steal the hand from the Ice Truck Killer case, as I was so excited that we were getting references to past Dexter seasons. I mean, the ITK was season one! On a show that so frequently ignores or glosses over old characters and story lines, I loved having a reference from five whole years ago! This week, not only did the ITK hand come up again, but we got Ryan referencing The Trinity Killer and Bay Harbor Butcher! These, of course, are from seasons four and two respectively, and it was great to have them brought up again. I was excited to see some progression on Vince and Ryan’s relationship, but I was a bit disappointed that it looks like her thieving ways have come to an end when Vince found out that she was trying to sell the hand online. I hope we get to learn more about why she’s stealing evidence, and that there’s more to it than the money.
We got some more cool scenes between Colin Hanks’ Travis and Edward James Olmos, as we finally learn that Edward James Olmos’ character is actually real! Lots of people have been saying since episode one that Olmos was a figment of Travis’ imagination, a la Tyler Durden from Fight Club. We found out that his character was at least real at one time, as he is a profess or religious studies that disappeared three years ago. I’m getting more and more intrigued at their relationship with each episode, and the way that they dealt with the waitress here really intrigued me. I’m excited to get more on this, as Edward James Olmos and several other cast members have ensured us that this is the darkest season yet. The killing in the greenhouse definitely makes it feel like this is true.
Well, this show is called Dexter, so I guess I should talk about Dex’s story line this week. Harrison got a bad case of appendicitis, which brought Dexter, Deb, Harrison’s nanny Jamie and Brother Sam to the hospital to make sure he’s OK. This all seemed like an excuse to have Brother Sam’s back story told to Dexter, as we hear a truly horrifying story between him and his father. This definitely leads us to believe that there might be a darkness in Sam as Dexter expected, but it seems to be very well hidden. This exchange led to Dexter having his very first prayer, as he tried to get coffee out of a vending machine, only for the cup to get stuck. It was a bit corny that the cup only came out and filled itself with coffee once Dexter had prayed for Harrison’s life, but it was nice to see Dexter admit to at least the possibility of there being a higher power out there.
All of the hype of this season seems to be leading us to a spiritual awakening of sorts for Dexter. Now, I know he won’t go 180 degrees and become a door to door preacher, but seeing him open up to ideas and values outside of his very strict moral code is very refreshing for this show. I hope to see more development for Dexter here as it looks like he’s hot on the heels of the other hyper-spiritual member of the cast, Travis. We’ll see what happens next week!"
I also think that Dexter season 6 is taking shape in a pleasing way.
ReplyDeleteAs to Mike Anderson, I think your view is a little narrow. Can't a police officer, black or not, be strong and thoughtful? Tough but also sensitive and resourceful? If you, and other Dexter fans, don't allow the shades of grey to come through, albeit slowly, then Mike Anderson loses his subtle dimensions. A Miami Metro detective involved in homicides is not going to be a shrinking violet.
I'm happy that Masuka realized Ryan was abusing her position and relationship early on. How boring would it have been to keep seeing Ryan take advantage over and over again until caught just before the finale? Plus, that makes Masuka look like a fool; remember that he has extra dimensions too. Obviously, he's wary of attractive girls who flirt with him too easily. Give the man some credit for having the insight and balls to throw Ryan to the curb!
I agree that Dexter doesn't reference past episodes and seasons enough.
Never considered the Tyler Durden aspect. Cool idea, but I think it's reaching a bit.
Brother Sam opens the season up to more possibilities. Hopefully, a new friend for Dexter. I enjoyed hearing his backstory and seeing what Dexter makes of it in later episodes.
Also, you missed Debra Morgan's subplot. She's growing into her new position. Her press statement was awesome. She's coming into her own. Something which will open the show up to Matthews and LaGuerta's agenda.
The tone of season 6 is spiritual in nature, which I think is a fantastic turn for the series. Of course, everything will be seen as through a glass darkly. As it should be.
Can't wait for the next episode.
Venger As'Nas Satanis
Cult of Cthulhu
thanks for that super long post u dummy
ReplyDelete"thanks for that super long post u dummy"
ReplyDeletethanks for revealing your self to be a complete fucktard anonymous. Here we have an obvious TRUE fan of the show that has actual meaningful things to say regarding the series and the last episode mainly instead of just coming here to complain about everything they can think of to complain about and thats what you have to say? Go somewhere else with that crap.
@Venger ...thank you for your comment. Its very refreshing to see a true fan of the show making useful and relevant comments instead of just complaining about stupid shit just to be doing it.
2 losers jessie james