Dexter Season 7 - First Set Photo of Yvonne Strahovski as Hannah

Check out after the jump, the first set photo of Yvonne Strahovski on the set of Dexter Season 7. The photo is possibly taken couple of days ago, and it's for episode 7.05 "Swim Deep". [Spoiler alert]

Dexter, Masuka, Batista and Hannah in a crime scene. (Click to enlarge)


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  1. Is that like, the same exact location where Travis did his first murder last year, and where they found the first skinner victim (Teegan) in season 3?

    Looks like it!


  2. Cool. She looks like they made her less glamorous which fits the show well. Definitely assisting the police here!

  3. huh. so we know Deb doesnt turn Dex in thats for sure.

    1. of course,,more photos show it and dont would make sense tv show in a prison

    2. Prison Break, Oz

    3. They keep this for season 8 ;)

      Anyway, sooner or later Dexter will end up in Prison or six feet under. Hard to imagine to see him "drivng away into the sunset"

    4. Oh, and he could start to get some tattoos of some prison - blueprints on his body xD Just in case....

    5. Maybe him and Lumen live happily ever after..I can't see him in prison and hate the thought he will be killed. One thing for sure, I hope there are no open ends like the damn Sopranos! These guys seem to all be great writers... keeping my fingers crossed.

    6. It's Dexter, not Breaking Bad. I'm pretty sure he will neither be arrested nor killed.

  4. I think we know that since April

    1. We knew that since she found out, as she found out at the end of the 12th episode of a season that wasn't the final one. If she had found out at the 11th episode and it had already been anounced that this would be the last season, than there would have been the possibility that the series ends with Deb arresting Dex. But this way...

  5. Is that one of those famous Hollywood Hills that magically "grow" in the Miami area??? Left of picture.

    1. It defenitely is.

    2. Maybe it's God's plan?

      Wait, that was last season. Never mind.

  6. i WANT A s7 trailer!!! With s7 fOOTAGE!

  7. Hey, Letterman blew the ending of Batman! If they can do that, they can do it here. I didn't think they would kill Dexter, but MCH has said he should pay in some way, but no jail, I say this: if there is no Harrison? We know what's coming. No one wants a crying kid in that scene!

  8. If you really watch the ending of the Sopranos, it wasn't left up in the air. If you kill a made guy, you have to be very careful, why was it taking so long for the one character to find a place to park? Why had earlier in the season when talking about death, our lead said, maybe everything just goes black? Why was he seated in such a way, if he was hit, no one else would get hurt? The mysterious lurker? No open ends, think about it. They didn't want you to see him take the bullet, but it was the END.

    1. And remember when Junior shot Tony, the sound faded out as he lost consciousness. At the end of the finale, the music stopped immediately instead of fading out which means he definitely died.

    2. Don't forget that the show's creator Chris said in an interview that the show was always originally meant to be from the point of view of Tony, and he wanted to stay true to that in the series finale, so that says it all right there. He wouldn't have made that comment if he didn't want us to think Tony died. Basically, you don't know you're dead when you die is the whole point. So now we will never know we're dead, being that we saw it through the eyes of Tony.

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