Aimee Garcia Gets Nervous Every Time She's Handed a Dexter Script - Find Out Why!

Why is Aimee Garcia getting nervous when she's handed a Dexter script? Because she never knows if it will be her last! Dexter co-star talked at about her role on Dexter and more.

 “Even if I have an avocado face mask on, I’ll run out when the script comes and snatch it from the messenger and look through it,” Garcia said over the phone from Los Angeles last week. “My friends are always like ‘Are you getting killed off?’ and I’m like ‘I don’t know yet. And even if I did, I wouldn’t tell you.’ Hit the jump for more...

“I definitely get nervous. I’m in my second year now (with the show) and feel my heart pitter-patter when I read the script because they don’t tell you anything.”

Most of the cast didn’t know about the cliffhanger at the end of Season 6 until the audience did, according to Garcia. The seventh season of the show — which stars Emmy-winner Michael C. Hall as a Miami blood spatter analyst-by-day, serial killer-by-night — premieres Sunday.

Garcia said she was a fan of the show even before she came aboard as the new nanny in Season 6 (don’t ask Garcia about the unexplained exit of the previous nanny — she doesn’t know ). And yet, she wasn’t nervous for her first day on set, except for her first scene, which required her to wear a bikini.

Garcia said she was a fan of the show even before she came aboard as the new nanny in Season 6 (don’t ask Garcia about the unexplained exit of the previous nanny — she doesn’t know ). And yet, she wasn’t nervous for her first day on set, except for her first scene, which required her to wear a bikini.

“I was more worried about that than anything,” Garcia said. “I was like ‘God, I hope I look good. I hope my butt doesn’t look big.’” Read the rest of the article here.
Photo credit: Showtime

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