POLL: Do You Prefer Dexter With, Or Without Brian By His Side?

Here's a poll that Showtime posted in its official Dexter page on Facebook. In Episode 6.07 "Nebraska", Dexter having his blood-related brother Brian by his side, goes to Nebraska to find Jonah. Did you like the whole situation between Dexter and Brian? Do you prefer Dex with or without 'Biney' by his side? Vote now!

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  1. 12 people don't like Biney?


  2. "You'll like her Dexter, she's a very strooong woman.

    Yeah, i'll keep that in mind in case I have any heavy lifting to do"

    HAHA i'm rewatching season 2. So funny.

    1. I'm kinda lost right now. Who says that about whom?

    2. Rita talks about her mom who is coming to visit. Aren't you a real Dexter fan and know every line like me?

    3. My favourite seasons are 1,3, and 5.

      I know every line of "Teenage Wasteland" by heart. But season 2? Not really.

    4. Season 2 is the best season of Dexter and every other show in the world.

    5. I agree that the season 2 is the best! The others are great except for season 3. I don't like season 3. My opinion.

    6. Teenage Wasteland is definitely the best Dexter episode in the last two seasons. Scott Buck knocked that one out of the park, it was "classic" Dexter, the "good guy psychopath" at his best.

      I think something this show has suffered from since Rita's death, is trying to go "too dark" - the show is always best when it's quirky, and really, that's Showtime as a Network. They do quirky really well.


    7. BEST to WORST:

      1. the best season is certainly SEASON 2
      2. SEASON 4 was also great
      3. SEASON 5
      4. SEASON 3
      5. SEASON 1
      6. the worst is SEASON 6 so far

    8. That fact that you have season 1 second to last disqualifies anything else you might say.

      Season 1 of Dexter wasn't just the best of this show, it may be the best and most original season of television ever made.


    9. "AnonymousJuly 25, 2012 2:12 PM

      That fact that you have season 1 second to last disqualifies anything else you might say."


      Season 1 was by far the best (to a large part because we didn't know who the ITK was until the end).
      Season 6 just had a boring bad guy.
      Season 4 was great the first time, but I can't really enjoy watching it knowing how it will end. Plus Rita was just pain in the ass the entire forth season, as if the writers wanted us to suddenly hate our favourite character before she gets killed.

      My personal opinion (and I guess no one will disagree with 1. and 6.):

      1. Season 1
      2. Season 3
      3. Season 5
      4. Season 2
      5. Season 4
      6. Season 6

    10. I don't care how people rank their seasons, my sisters favorite season is 5 and she loves Lumen, I say good for her. In fact I care so little I almost passed out reading all of this.

      So you might ask why I bothered posting if I don't care. It's because I'm bored and a bad person.

      Live and let live. :)

    11. There is no live and let live when it comes to Dexter...


    12. I usually agree with you and I'd hate to get on your bad side so, if you say so. And if it's too late I'll be waiting in the octagon.

    13. "There is no live and let live when it comes to Dexter..."

      Was intended solely for the purpose of breaking up an argument with humor, you know, a play on Dexter being a show about a killer...

      Anyway, my list?

      TV Show

      1. Season 1
      2. Season 2
      3. Season 6 Season 3 (tie) - Even though the villain sucked, Mos Def was brilliant, and the Deb/Dex stuff returned to prominence and reminded me of seasons 1 and 2 which were all about Deb and Dex and their relationship to each other even through other relationships. Likewise, even though Miguel and the skinner sucked, Season 3 had some great character stuff, plus the single best episode of Dexter "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" - which is the episode to show people if you ever want to get them into this show.

      4. Season 4 (The BAD photography and terrible editing on the first episode alone *see early kitchen scene* and a total disregard for previous history and the assassination of Rita's character in order to justify her murder, trump a great villain and performance by Lithgow, also, S4 is what made simple minded viewers clamor for over the top big bad's which caused all the incessant whining when it didn't work in season six - not only that but Clyde Phillips and a few other people made a giant big mess and then got out of dodge, which left new writers and showrunners in a really difficult position.

      5. Season 5 - the worst season of Dexter, which I still liked and would still watch over any show on TV.

      Book Series

      1. Book 5 (Dexter Is Delicious)
      2. Book 1 (Darkly Dreaming Dexter)
      3. Book 2 (Dearly Devoted Dexter)
      4. Book 4 (Dexter By Design)

      ---- Book 6 and Book 3 have really off the wall villains, and both books have the least amount of Deb in them and suffer the consequences. It also brings to light that Dex without Deb = Laurel without Hardy, Abbot without Costello, Lavern without Shirley, Bert without Ernie, or Mulder without Scully. Someone once said, if you take away the Coyote, the Road Runner just goes "beep beep beep" - and that pretty much describes emotionless Dexter Morgan without his over emotional foster sister to balance him out.

      5. Book 6 (Double Dexter)
      6. Book 3 (Dexter In the Dark)


    14. Lol I wasn't sure if serious. :)

      Thanks for writing the books in the right order, I was so close to buying the first one a couple weeks back but there was no way to tell which one came first(Stupid swedish webshop). It's mostly the friendly input from you that got me excited for the books.

      Gonna order the first one now. Haayyoo :)

    15. Patrik - Books 1, 2, and 5 are really fabulous, and each has some amazing Deb/Dex stuff.

      Book 2 (Dearly Devoted Dexter) has Masuka throwing Dex an engagement party dressed in drag, a villain named "Dr. Danko" that makes Trinity look like a boy scout - what he does is so horrible that they could NOT put it on Cable TV. There is also an oddly incestuous moment where Dexter helps Deb out of her hospital gown and dresses her, and before that one of the greatest Dexter lines ever - when he and Deb crash a car and end up underwater Dexter muses "I am good at a great many things, sadly, breathing water is not one of them..." And finally, though Deb is freshly freaked out from finding out Dexter is a serial killer - she saves his ass with her wicked good shooting even with a broken collar bone.

      Book 5 is a heavy Deb/Dex story. That is a great bit with Dexter on ecstasy and pontificating his love for his sister "I love her!", a great line where Brian really starts to question what is going on between Dexter and Deb, and Deb fully accepting and embracing Dexter's Dark Passenger, even going so far as to order him to kill someone who deserves it.

      Deb: "Do your dark insight thing and tell me what happened."

      Dexter: "Debs, it's not a goddamn super power..."

      And finally a great scene where Dexter, despite the fact that his life is on the line, pauses during a getaway for a jealous meltdown over Deb's boyfriend knowing where her keys are when he doesn't.


    16. I appreciate your input, gonna give the first one a go to begin with.

    17. One day I'm gonna read the books (but not until if watched season 8 - I don't want to mix the TV series and the books).

      @ Patrick: The book shop couldn't tell you which book was the first one? I had a similar problem when I wanted to watch the Hanibal Lector movies (it's even more complicated because there are 2 movies based on the first book). You know what I did? Wikipedia.

    18. 3:29

      Manhunter is the best of those two... William Peterson's version of Will Graham was a direct influence on Jeff Lindsay, and subsequently James Manos Jr. and Clyde Phillips when they created Dexter Morgan for the show.

      This scene right here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xcPemp1-t-Y is one of the great scenes in movie history - and you can definitely see how much of the vibe of this movie leaked into what we are watching now, both in idea's and photography, the full moon reflecting in the red water, et.


  3. I didn't like how it played out in 'Nebraska.' I like Brian just fine, but I think they should just leave the character alone. Dexter and Harry is the superior combo on the show.

    1. Harry "sorry I lied about everything the whole time" Morgan


      Brian "wouldn't it been more fun to kill her than fuck her" Moser?

      And you choose Harry?


    3. I agree about them not going all the way. Dexter should have killed Jonah and closed that loose end completely. 'Nebraska' was rather pointless since Dexter didn't kill him. They said from the get-go that they would close loose ends, yet they created more. Jonah now knows for sure that Dexter killed his father. Sure, Jonah hated his father, but that's still a "big matzah ball hangin' out there" for a killer like Dexter. Like Bateman said, "too late now." Let's get on with season 7, which I am certainly looking forward to.

    4. Side (personal) note: I just realized that Brian Moser reminds me a lot of my uncle Jim. They look similar and are built the same. My uncle is over a decade older than Christian Camargo, though.

    5. That was the problem with most of Season 6 - fuzzy ideas that never played out clearly. "Nebraska" was supposed to be all about Dexter rejecting Brother Sam's advice to "just let go" and surrendering to his dark side through Rudy...only to reclaim his humanity when he sees Jonah's guilt and torment. It took a bit of thinking to get to this conclusion, the episode didn't help at all. It just felt like a one-off distraction in the middle of a DDK-Brother Sam arc.

  4. They never been separete,first place.
    Harry should take them both home!!

    1. That would have made things much easier. For everyone.

  5. Biney was damaged.. Harry Couldnt have taken him home, he was too old.

    I like Dexter and Brian combo, but only rarely, it worked out in the Nebraska episode.. But i could see Brian and Harry showing up together this season like a devil vs angel on dexters shoulders.

    1. what are you saying? that if a kid is damaged you let it sink even more instead of reaching out and helping?

  6. Brian was fine alive but not now. We have Harry, say no more.

    1. I'd choose Brian over Harry any day.

  7. Yes, but only if done and characterized better than in Nebraska. This episode was kinda fun, but wasn't game changing and was mostly pointless fill up of 12 episode order. Yes it somehow close up whole Trinity saga, but with added plot holes. And it was one of the turning points where season 6 got...ehhh...worse. So if more Biney please in Season 2 Paul's funeral style scenes (Waiting to Exhale).
    But I think we have enough "ghosts" or imaginations, that's why I am glad they are returning to flashbacks (or have it 50/50).

  8. If they can make it work I wouldn't mind having him back for a scene or two. It wouldn't be completely out of the blue either since they are going back to the BHB case. But as a regular it's way too late, plus I love the scenes with Harry.

  9. I like Brian and I like the carefree attitude Dexter has with him --- killing, fucking, being manic, --- but I don't like the way they presented Brian in "Nebraska" and how they had him in and out in a single episode. If they could write in Brian in a way that made more sense I'd be fine with it. As a side note, I also agree that Season 2 was the best. I loved Dex with a hot and heavy love interest, and Doakes was great.

  10. After "Nebraska" I say "without". Before I may have said "with", but I've changed my mind, there are enough "ghosts" on that show.

  11. I love Brian and his relationship with Dexter. But Dexter is in a darker place with Brian at his side.

    1. So what. I like dark Dexter. (Wasn't that the whole point of getting rid of Rita?)

    2. Good for you. I like dark Dexter, but that should have happened during season 5. It doesn't make any sense now for Brian to be back, like it didn't on season 6. Dexter is not a monster, that's just what Harry made him believe. And it's also not okay to kill innocent people, like Brian thought so. At least Harry taught him a code.

    3. totally agree and dont belive that showtime will cross the line, kill inocent ppl and many ppl will hate it,,,so how i love dexter, i want the alive in the end,,if he become dark like brian,,,never showtime could give a decent end

  12. Well, they buried Brian for good by making him one-dimensional and annoying in Nebraska. There was not a single emotional moment between the two (as in season 1), no emotional conflict for Dexter. By the time Dexter drove over Brian, we felt no pain, only relief.

  13. I love the character Brian, both 'alive' and internalised. He provides excellent and funny dialogue (and delivery) because of his attitude, slightly different to Dexter but equally as humorous and intriguing. I also think there is great chemistry between the 2 actors.

    I actually prefer Brian's internalised energy inside Dex to Harry's. I don't see why Dexter can't have both internalised relationships of his dead foster father and blood brother. The two are different but both BIG effects on Dex (Harry obviously being the biggest influence in Dex's life). I guess it may get a bit crowded. But we do all have many different aspects of ourselves talking to us inside our thought processes. It's how the mind works.

    I would be happy to see Christian return, as he is a superb actor. I don't think it will happen. But I would be happy if it did.

    Nebraska was an odd episode (Dex firing a gun recklessly out of a car, drawing attention to himself, etc? I know he was supposed to have been derailed in that episode but his character completely changed, almost unrecognisably so.) the episode, for me, was ironically saved by Brian's presence. He provided nearly all the humour, which sadly seemed to be somewhat lacking throughout the entire season, it felt like to me.

  14. I've misread the headline as "Do You Prefer Dexter With, Or Without Brain By His Side". I guess that Dexter's behavior in the last season kind of excuses me. ;)

  15. Brian is in my opinion an essential character. He represents Dexter's dark side, his darkest thoughts and desires. The Dexter's trip to Nebraska with Brian by his side was one of the best scenes in season 6. Because I think almost every real person even with similar psychic to Dexter do such "uncontrolled" and spontaneous things time to time... ;)

    1. Brian Moser is my favourite fictional serial killer. Period.

    2. totally agree. Mine too, much more fun than Dexter agonising over every kill. I think Harry has stunted poor Dexter. Brian might turn out to be good for him -at least he doesn't treat him like a science project like Harry does. Bring back "Biney"!

    3. Brian Moser is the best, agree with every word of the 2 anons above me

  16. i really liked nebraska was a funny, odd and touching episode would love to see brian come back to explore dexters dark side.

  17. Brian is one of the best characters that was ever in the show, my personal favorite. I would LOVE to see him back, but don't let him represent only the dark passenger, just like harry don't represent only the code. I would like to see him and Dexter also on more emocional level. either way to have him back in the show would be WONDERFUL.

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