Jennifer Carpenter Teases Dexter Season 7 Once Again Via Twitter

Jennifer shared her excitement via Twitter few hours ago, during the filming of Dexter. Her tweet brought us memories from the first season and episode 1.10 "Seeing Red". These days they're filming episode 7.04 which is called "Run". What do you think?

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  1. I already see everything red. bring it on!!!

  2. NeedlestickinghedonistJuly 3, 2012 at 11:54 AM

    oh boy...:))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  3. How can it be bloodier than the Hotel covered in blood, Rita's Death, Dexter being rescued by Harry and or the Bowels of Wrath from Travis...?

    1. One of the blodiest...

      After all, the entire series is about blood.

  4. "... I've seen on Dexter"

    Hopefully that means that she takes part in a kill scene. (Maybe the guy that shot Mike.)

  5. NeedlestickinghedonistJuly 3, 2012 at 12:02 PM

    it can be bloodier and it better be. starving for gore, here.

    1. Right. We are more bloodthirsty than a guy called Dracula. Haha!

  6. Ouch, this is why you don't leave your lego on the floor.

  7. sounds like they are stepping up their game on the show, I cannot wait for season it September 30th yet?

  8. Louis is going to recreate the bloody crime scene in room 103! Not being serious, but that would be cool.

    1. Nope it wouldn't, because he has no idea what room 103 stood for. Neither does he understand the meaning of the prothetic arm (that's why he drew all those lines on it).

    2. We don't know that. Maybe Louis knows everything.

    3. Anyway, there is no meaning to the prosthesis. The only thing about it that had anything to do with Brian was the nail polish. Brian didn't even make Monique's prosthesis. She told Angel that when her "John" [Brian] first saw it, that he got all freaky and acted like he worshiped the thing. Then he painted the nails. She kept doing it because she said she liked how it looked. If Brian did make the prosthesis he would have known about it beforeHAND (pun intended).

    4. If your remember Brian's apartment in Season 1 of Dexter and look at Louis's apartment in Season 6, they look very similar!! Anyone else agree??? Anyways can't wait for Season 7!! Sounds like it could very well be the best Season yet!

    5. It's possible that Louis would get the same apartment, if he's obsessed enough. We'll just have to wait and see what his agenda is. He doesn't seem threatening to me...yet.

  9. Patrick Bateman (Needle)July 3, 2012 at 8:08 PM

    Louis...hope he's epic.

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