POLL: What Did You Think of Episode 6.06 "Just Let Go"?

What did you think of the 6th episode of season 6, "Just Let Go"? Vote below!

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  1. It was amazing just for the fact of the return of Brian and the preview of next weeks episode i cant wait

  2. Can't wait for next episode!!!!!!!

  3. I think people hate on this season simply because it's not going along with "their version" of the season. They're being crybabies because their predictions were wrong or whatever fantasy they had in their heads didn't come true. I had some cool ideas for this season...but I'm fine if it doesn't go that way. I'm not going to complain that the writing sucks because I thought MY idea was SOOOO much better.

  4. Way to keep it real Ben!

  5. Does anyone know who makes Dexter's little pocket knife. I've seen it a couple of times this season.

    1. This one?

      Its a Smith and Wesson,

  6. Yeah i never project ideas of what i think should happen with Dexter - because it's so unpredictable that u have to just go with it and suspend belief in what logically would happen, then you're alright to watch it and get the whole experience. Being open to whatever happens next - that's half the fun of it!

  7. the return of brian as the devil on dexters shoulder was/is epic... certainly gonna add a new dimension of insanity to the show...dexters always been pretty stable but who knows what hes gonna do with his brother whispering in his ear... pity mos def had to die though its been one of his best roles.... next ep looks pretty ace to...

  8. I think that the show has been well written from inception but my problem with this season is that they're not as meticulous about details as Dexter (the man or the show) usually is. For instance, the killing of the 2 paramedics, it happened too fast, it was not a typical "Dexter" kill and there was no real stalking time and explanation. We like to watch Dexter make his case and hunt is prey. Also the old man??? Really? When did he check Dexter out? They got into a car accident and he had a bloody face, how did that get magically explained away? There are a few other things that were just out of place but I'll leave it here. I am still a huge fan of the show, wouldn't miss it for the world.

  9. FANTASTIC. I know this is a Blog and everyone is entitled to their opinion, BUT PEOPLE C'mon Man! how can you vote that this episode was "ok", "poor" or even "awful"?! Sure, there are small details that should be explained, but this show is about more than details. The season is breaking new ground for Dexter and his journey. I was sad to see Bro Sam die but I was glad they (writers) didnt use the "miracle" story line to keep him alive, they could of. Unlike the predictable (havent been to impressed so far) Walking Dead, did anyone think Carl was going to die?

    Brian returns is genius. We are only half-way thru the Season, anticipation is high!

  10. My review of the ep (A+) is posted here...http://shar.es/bFDEk

  11. Freaking epic Dexter !!!! Im so jolted for.this season. There is a war Dexter has to fight with darkness to appreciate the little light that I see as control he has as a sociopath

  12. If you voted poor or OK your obviously are Not a Dexpert..... and have no respect. Season 1. Start there

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