Happy Birthday, Lauren Velez!

Today Lauren Velez turns 47. She was born in 1964 in Brooklyn and later grew up in Queens, New York with her eight siblings, including twin sister, actress Lorraine Velez. For her Dexter role, Velez won a Vision Award in 2007 for Best Actress in "Dexter". Happy Birthday Lauren!

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  1. 47!!? she dont look 40 anything, thats my girl crush love her Happy Birthday Lauren !!!

  2. I loved the last episode mostly because she wasnt in it, hopefully she gets killed off soon. Happy birthday! :D

  3. Hahahaha Patrik best comment ever!

  4. God, LaGuerta really needs to be put down.- Shes a character that pisses me off so much that it's effecting my opinions of Lauren Velez. Whom i've started to hate just by association. Ugh.

  5. Come on guys, she is just an actor, it is her job. but all the same Patrick funny sh.t. LaGuerta is a pain but I am sure lauren is a beautiful person. She is hot to look at. Yum and happy birthday by the way Luaren

  6. Happy birthday! :) Lauren Velez seems so nice in interviews :D ...even if she does play LaGuerta, lol. She looks so much younger than 47 - I would never have guessed it!

  7. Wow, 47! Would never have thought it. She's a good actress. She was a pretty synpathetic, likeable character back in Season 3.

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