Listen: Songs From the Dexter Season 8 Promos

Showtime has released six Dexter promos and one sneak peek clip so far. The majority of the spots are accompanied with some cool tracks which can be addictive if you watch the promos again and again. We did a little research, and we have for you the songs from four Dexter Season 8 Showtime promos. Hear 'em all, below!

Promo: "Victims"
Release Date: March 22nd
Song: Here and Gone by Mississippi Twilight   

Promo: Dexter and Ray Donovan - Bad Blood, New Blood
Release Date: March 19
Song: Vultures by Nicole Atkins

Promo: "Breathless"
Release Date: April 21st
Song: Owe You Nothing by Robin Loxley and Jay Hawke

Promo: "Final Symphony"
Release Date: April 24th
Song: Evil Night Together by Jill Tracy

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