Golden Globe winner Michael C. Hall from "Dexter" television series stars in the coming of age comedy-drama film The Trouble with Bliss written and directed by Michael Knowles. Based on Douglas Light’s debut novel East Bliss Fifth that won the 2007 Benjamin Franklin Award for Fiction, the rest of the cast includes Lucy Liu, Brie Larson, Peter Fonda, Chris Messina, Brad William Henke and Sarah Shahi.
Set in New York City, 35-year-old Morris Bliss is stuck in a state of inertia. He has no job, no prospects and no money, despite dreams of traveling. Furthermore he lives at home with his widowed father and the death of his mother has left him emotionally walled up. He spends his days engaged in pointless activities such as shooting paintballs at squatters with his pal Jetski. His life comically unravels, ending his static life, when he finds himself in an awkward relationship with a sexually precocious 18-year-old girl, who is the daughter of a former classmate. More info and best prices for the DVD of "The Trouble With Bliss", here.
Set in New York City, 35-year-old Morris Bliss is stuck in a state of inertia. He has no job, no prospects and no money, despite dreams of traveling. Furthermore he lives at home with his widowed father and the death of his mother has left him emotionally walled up. He spends his days engaged in pointless activities such as shooting paintballs at squatters with his pal Jetski. His life comically unravels, ending his static life, when he finds himself in an awkward relationship with a sexually precocious 18-year-old girl, who is the daughter of a former classmate. More info and best prices for the DVD of "The Trouble With Bliss", here.