Jennifer Carpenter on Dex/Deb Showdown: "It Was the Strangest, Scariest Seduction Scene"

Via, by Meg Masters: The sense of satisfaction Dexter experiences when his “dark passenger” gets its way is nothing compared to how Jennifer Carpenter felt when she finally got to play Deb confronting her murderous brother in the act.

Lucky for us, that moment — which was teed up in last season’s finale — takes place during the Showtime drama’s Season 7 premiere (airing Sept. 30). And according to Carpenter, it’s a good one. “It’s sort of perfect,” she shared during the Showtime saga’s showing at the Television Critics Association’s summer press tour in Beverly Hills.”I didn’t want Debra to lose any credibility with the audience. I wanted the things we’ve claimed to be true about her to remain so, and [executive producer] Scott Buck and the team of writers and producers did a great job.”

To hear Carpenter describe shooting the season-opener’s initial scene — which finds Deb walking in on her brother, whom she now believes she loves romantically, in the midst of a murder — it’s clear that there’s a lot packed into the pivotal exchange.

“It was the strangest, scariest seduction scene, in a weird way,” explains the actress, noting Dexter’s undeniable manipulation of his sister in the premiere’s first few moments. “It was also the first time I felt [Deb's] power as a lieutenant,” she adds. “I felt as weak and as powerful as I’ve ever been — as an actor and as a character.”

“We were fresh off a very long, very generous hiatus, and that was the first scene that we shot,” Carpenter continues. “It was very hard. But once Michael [C. Hall] and I shook the dust off in rehearsals and everything, it was so easy. I didn’t have to manipulate anything; it was all right there.”

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  1. "Strangest, Scariest SEDUCTION scene!"

    So instead of "Luke, I am your father..."

    So excited about this season.


    1. 'So instead of "Luke, I am your father..."'

      ...we get "Deb, I'm Darth Vader and your father was Emperor Paplatine, my dark teacher." :D

  2. This season is going to be very interesting. With Deb knowing about Dex's past, she will be torn with doing what is right and protecting her brother. This will prove to be one of the most difficult seasons to write for! I feel for the writers!

  3. I admire how far she has come in her acting/character (remember the dreadful scenes in Vice as as prostitute)

    I really hope she gets an emmy for season 7! she so deserves it

    1. Michael deserves an emmy more than everybody else in the world!

    2. totally totally totally agree
      he is the show

  4. She was always amazing. She played someone greener, needier, gawkier - it was all performance. She always had the tools of her art. She's created this growth and metamorphosis, it hasn't just happened.

    1. Well said !


    2. 4:53

      Nicely put.


    3. I really thought she was the backbone for Season 6. Should've gotten nominated - and of course win.

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