PHOTO: Michael C. Hall Out For a Walk In L.A.

'Dexter' star Michael C. Hall was photographed today (May 31) with a blonde woman, after a mini break from the set of Season 7, in Los Angeles.

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  1. Who is this girl? And i'll be the first to say.. SHE IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH for Michael C. Hall.. :)

  2. The third one is the charm LOL.

  3. Agh! I want that he's back with Jennifer :(

  4. Damn fine sexy shirt and shades he's wearing...

  5. I would add that she looks very sweet, maybe a little vulnerable. A bit anxious too but then I would be too if a camera was clicking away. Her glasses are cute. I just wish she'd move slightly to one side so I can see MCH's full silhouette... ;)

  6. They have been seen together before. Anyway, good for him! The important thing is that he's happy.

  7. Plus what on earth does a 'mini break' mean?! I mean, come on. They only started shooting last week... They must mean the weekend, surely...

  8. Okay. I'll admit it.
    So fucking jealous.

  9. He should soooooo be with me....

  10. Awww. I had hopes about him & Jen! Brunettes > blondes, hehe. But I'm totally biased as a brunette myself.

  11. Sigh. I suppose this means that I'll now have to be his 4th wife... :D

  12. Who is that??/ Ugh he should be with Deb!! :(

  13. So I guess him and Jennifer aren't together again, even after the rumors? Too bad, they seemed to be perfect for each other :( But hopefully they are gonna find their happiness anyway...
    Btw MCH is looking SOOO hot in the picture! This is like the sexiest photo of him I've ever seen... AFK, going to take a cold shower :-D

  14. He is looking GOOD!

  15. She looks like a cross between Jewel and Tori Amos in the pics of them coming out of the Arclight movie theater.

    1. where are the arclight pics????

    2. On a site called - Spanish fan I think. You can see her face there, and she's wearing his favorite Knicks cap. ;)

  16. Love Jennifer, but they always seemed an odd pair-up.

  17. I like her style.

  18. Never knew Michael was into geeky looking girls (not name calling, do not know what to call that style as I call it geeky since I am somewhat that style myself). They are a cute couple though, she is one lucky girl, I sure as heck wish I was in her position!

    1. She seems real. :)

    2. Real. Real YOUNG. She looks like a child having a fad-attack.

  19. who is that blonde bitch? i'm sorry but i don't see michael with any other woman but Jennifer Carpenter. They were seen together a couple of months ago! what happened to that? :(

    1. The media read too much romance into those beach pics. Looked like he was just comforting Jennifer after all.

    2. Yes, I I thought that too. More comforting her. He was probably telling her that he's seeing someone lol. I'm so impressed by the way Jennifer and MCH have conducted themselves this past year. Good for them. Certainly on the surface/in public anyway...

  20. She seems quite young, like a student. An arty student. That's meant as a compliment. Wonder how they met...? Intriguing. I agree, she looks 'real'. I like his taste in women. All credit to him. Just makes me want him more... :p

  21. I prefer not to know about personal lives. Takes me out of my Dexter mind...

    But I do note two things:

    #1 That aside from hair color and glasses - she looks quite a bit like Jennifer Carpenter.

    #2 Jennifer Carpenter is available, and somewhere out there is a very very lucky bastard. I hate him already, whoever he is. ;)

  22. just glad he shaved that ginger cat off his face!

  23. One day I would like to be famous and have people follow me everywhere I go and take pictures of me whenever I am in public. And then post them on the internet and talk shit at me! That would be great!

    Ok... maybe not! But at least the money is good eh?

  24. Looks like Daredevil with those shades.

  25. Like a lamb to the slaughter...

    I can't get over how young she looks! Barely out of high school. At least early 20s. Or if older, she looks great for her age. He seems to like them young. Or at least looking young... I feel so old! Lol. And yet I'm younger than him. Mind you the other day someone thought I was celebrating my 21st... Yeah, right! but I graciously took the compliment :)

  26. I would like to get slaughtered by that Lion! hmmm...he looks good, she looks confused but I am so jealous. I am just sorry that he likes the skinny chicks so much. I wish he would go for the curvy type so I could dream to stnad a chance!

    1. Hey u, no need to be jealous. Curves are GOOD. Me too. I'm slim but have got curves. In all the right places. Flip it on it's head: HE is not good enough for YOU. He's the one missing out... ;)

      Good luck to them both. It'll end in tears. It usually does in Hollywood, in that 'scene'. Sad, but true. Let's hope it stands the test of time but I'm very cynical so forgive me...

      Plus, the reality will NEVER live up to the fantasy. It's always a disappointment! Happiness is so elusive...

    2. Maybe there is an underlying reason why he likes non-curvaceous women, er sorry, I mean, 'girls'?

      I wouldn't know what that reason is.

  27. Looks like an uncle out on the town with his 12 year old niece.

    1. Ha. Good observation. My thoughts exactly. What is he like?!

  28. She is 30, actually.

    1. Well, he's 41. Can't he date someone his own age?!

    2. How do you know she's 30?

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