VIDEO: Michael C. Hall Interview on "The Early Show"

Emmy nominated actor and Dexter star Michael C. Hall talks to Jeff Glor about the latest season of his hit television show. Click the link below to watch the interview!

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  1. I wonder how many of Michael's ideas for the story make it into the shows. Perhaps he is partially responsible for the downward turn in the quality of the writing.

  2. ur an idiot. u wouldn't be looking up blog's for this show and all this crap if you didn't watch it so shut the fuck up.

  3. @Anon 11:18

    Couldn't say better than you, mate.

  4. It should be Emmy winning actor Michael C. Hall and not Emmy nominated. Why don't they give him a damn Emmy, he definitely deserves it for his talent!

  5. I never said I didn't watch it fucktard. I've probably been a fan longer than you two idiots. I was speculating if his input is what as pushed the show in a different and somewhat lower quality direction.

    Freakin' Michael Hall fanboys. You two have poster of him on your wall? The last person who called me an idiot lost some teeth.

    I'd recommed you not do that again.

  6. LMAO really? Watch this... Anonymous 9:39 AM... Go fuck yourself. Who calls ppl "fucktards" lol. If the QUALITY is not up to your liking, the point is, turn the channel big guy. By the way, no "fanboy" posters. I have what they call a "big kids" job and don't threaten ppl on the internet LOL. How big of a pussy are you to really tell someone off that someone "lost teeth" on the internet? Love to see that happen on the street you little punk. Well it is Friday so peace bitch :)

    p.s. funny how everyone thinks your foolish.

  7. What's up with all the internet ugliness?

    I don't care whether you want to run around punching people in real life, or verbally assaulting others on the web, it's all poor behavior.

    Just let it be.

  8. oi ROBV, seriously, SHUT THE FUCK UP U MUPPET!! U r so fucking annoying. I see your posts on here almost every single story on this page, and all u fucking do is complain about this show. Yes, u r able to voice your concern and/or dissapointment at the decline in quality of this program. As a very avid watcher and fan of this show, i also believe this show is not currently matching the high standard set from seasons 1-4, simply cos they are seminal works of fiction. But that is just opinion!!! Many people u bag out on this blog dont believe it has declined and still absolutely love this program(which i still do too) and believe the quality is still top notch. In the beginning u simply stated "this show is decling in quality and i have concerns where this season is going and many of the story arcs etc" now you're simply saying "this show has started to suck...and is horrible" shut up dude!!! We get it, u dont really like this show as much anymore! ok!! BUt stop clogging up this blog with your shit and stop sucking the cocks of wankers who post shit like anon 9.39 who threaten people over the internet simply cos u found some1 who agress with u. So unless u have something new to say, and a valid comment, possibly related to the story post. fuck off.

  9. Clearly, MCH was only kidding about the musical episode, so I don't understand how the original poster came to the conclusion that MCH was being serious. It's a fun idea, but it's just not the tone that DEXTER has ever gone for. Dexter has sang on the show, but it wasn't exactly in the musical style -- with flashy hands and exaggeration. I really like in season 4 when Dexter sings "America, the Beautiful" to Harrison. That's the only kind of singing the show can ever do, or it will lose some of its seriousness. Sure, the show does have a sense of humor, but not in a cheesy kind of way.

    I would say that MCH is more like the protector of the Dexter character. Being an executive producer gives him the means to ensure the character rings true. Dexter is still the same man we have all grown to care about over the years. I don't think he will ever become unrecognizable, because of MCH and his great performance. I can't really say that and not sound like a "fanboy" myself, but that doesn't mean it's not true. If it wasn't true, the show would have ended after the second season.

  10. A muppet is an urban insult that means that person shows extreme ignorance and generally has no idea what they're talking about.

  11. dont know what living in Detroit has to do with anything. I dont even live in the United States, and i was merely saying, get over saying this show is shit, your welcome to your opinion, absolutely but u already voiced it and dont friggen' post it in every story and fire up and go on and on and on and on and on and on and on when people actually still love this show and thoroughly enjoy watching it!

  12. Yeah not from Britain either muppet.
    And you're really not one to say "quit crying".

  13. EVERYONE - RE: previous postings. tl;dr

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