Dexter - Episode 7.01 "Are You...?" - FIRST PROMOTIONAL PHOTO! (Updated)

UPDATED: Hit the jump below to see the first official promotional photo from the first episode of Season 7, 7.01 "Are You...?"!!

*UPDATED*: (Larger photo. Thank to SpoilerTV). First promo photo after the "Oh God"! What do you think?

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  2. Exactly what I thought she would do ;P

    ~The Dark Blogger

  3. Holy shit. Looks good.

  4. FU** YEA!!!!!! SH** JUST GOT REAL!!!!! This season is going to be crazy!!! I am so stoked. I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!

  5. NeedlestickinghedonistJune 12, 2012 at 4:13 AM


  6. Yes! That was exactly what I was hoping for...Debra drawing her weapon.

  7. "Get down on the floor motherfucker!"

  8. Could be an imagination of dexter as well. But i don't hope so. This is going to be so awesome. Honestly, I feel sorry for the writers. This scene HAVE to be nothing but the BEST scene so far. Everything else, even if it's "just" great, would be a disappointed.

  9. I know the photo is pre-production, but didn't the "Oh God" scene take place at night? It seems silly to take the shot during the day since they'd have to edit pretty much everything.

    1. Yep great observation - different as 'day and night' - this pic has nothing to do with the opening scene in season 7.
      It's a mere TEASE.

    2. You can tell from the tape on the floor that this is not an actual screen grab from the upcoming episode. This is a promo photo, taken during a rehearsal. The lights outside don't necessarily mean anything because it could be on soundstage with floodlights illuminating the exterior of the facade so that the cast and crew can walk around in a well lit corridor and not worry about bumping into anything or tripping. Or, if this is an actual real building, then they're merely taking this photo during the rehearsal which would possibly be anywhere from a few hours to a few days before they attempt the actually shot that will be what you end up seeing televised.

    3. Rehearsal seems to make the most sense. As far as I know the location is not a set and takes place in an actual building. The flood lights can't be impossible, but the tape on the ground, which I'm just noticing, makes it an obvious rehearsal photo.


  11. The markings on the floor also spoil what happens next...

    1. Interesting... What do you think they mean? 'Cos I'm not sure...

    2. He falls to his knees!!!

  12. This was actually taken when Jennifer Carpenter discovered he was cheating.

    1. And how do you know he cheated?

    2. EVERYBODY knows...everyone except you of course. Sorry to burst your bubble.

    3. But I asked HOW you know? Did you see it? Oh right they got divorced. Obviously he cheated.

    4. Obviously.

      He is a cheat.

      Welcome to the dark side Anonymous.

      Warm Regards,

      P.S. I noticed we have the same name. Are we related?

    5. He's a man, therefore he cheats. It's that state of existence we all live in. We are either really cheating or "mind cheating".

      And yes, we are all related!

    6. HA - Great response!

    7. And you know he cheated how exactly? Just because you may have heard or read it somewhere DOES NOT make it the gospel. The FACT is Michael and Jennifer are both intensely private people, and NO ONE really knows what happened between them except them and maybe family and close friends ....other than that ..its only speculation. And just because he is a man DOES NOT mean he is automatically a cheater. "He's a man, therefore he cheats" ..that has to be one of the most ignorant statements I have ever read in my life. Many many men DO cheat as do many many women. But the gender of a person does not predispose them to be a cheater. That's just ridiculous. Just because you think one way DOES NOT mean that everyone thinks that way. How arrogant can you be?

    8. "This was actually taken when Jennifer Carpenter discovered he was cheating."

      Speculation and truth to one side... This actually made me laugh.

      It's funny. Witty. Satirical... about the rumours themselves. Nice one!

  13. OMG!!!!!!!!!
    I miss Dex, I can't wait :|

  14. Come on Dex... Let fat lady sings for U... Dont get hung up...

  15. "f*** me right now, or i'll shoot!" :-))

    1. Definitely not in episode 1.

    2. Ok so... "f*** me later or I'll shoot!"


  16. I could see this being one of the possibilities that goes through either Deb's head or Dexter's head - kind of like the reactions Dexter thought he would get from Deb if he told her he was the Bay Harbor Butcher, towards the end of season 2

    1. 2.11.
      That was funny, but the season 7...I want that now!

  17. Here you go: (HQ, watermark-free, 870x576). VIA:


  19. BritishDexterFan1992June 12, 2012 at 11:05 AM

    I look forward to this I have been counting down the month's since the season six final episode where Debra catches Dexter killing Travis and wondered to myself how it will play out and thought of different scenarios of how the first episode will be like, look forward to it thank you for keeping us updated :-)

  20. otherwise- as I wrote several times - Debra will never know that Dexter is a serial killer. She will know only about one single murder = travis, that's all. you can bet

    1. Right, because she won't recognize the MO, consisting of: taping the victim to a table, like what Brian did to her; doing so with a plastic tape, like Brian did to her and the Bay Harbor Butcher did to his victims; taking a drop of blood from an incision wound on the right cheek, like the Bay Harbor Butcher did to his victims; transferring it onto a glass slide, like the ones that were found in Doakes' car. Also the nice set of knives, saws and power tools and the space, carefully prepared so as to catch all the blood, will all scream "this is a crime of passion" at her. None of it will be suspicious to her in the least.

    2. The plastic proves absolutely nothing. Every killer uses either plastic or rope to fasten the victims to the table. Dexter saw so many crime scenes in his life and knows the MO of every killer by heart. He can say he constructed his own crime scene based on previous murder cases. Of course he will have to confess now everything about his involvement in the Doomsday killer investigation. Deb might think Dex killed Gellar.

    3. Deb gonna notice that this is not just a simple murder but a ritual. Deb is smart, I guess she is able to put the pieces together.

    4. ggeal - yes it is suspicious, but dexter will handle it and manipulate her as wrote An 6:11.. there was also a statement in this sense from writers - something like "question is how much will debra find out about dexter's secret. maybe she will not know everything" (I can't remember where I read that but it's true)

  21. They must have taken this production still during last season's finale shoot. Somehow I doubt this is from this new shoot schedule.

    1. why can't be? you don't how good this site is about getting information about the new season, and other sites have the picture and tell it's the 1st picture from the new shoot, how can 5 other sites be wrong also?

  22. I love it! I was hoping that they would start right where they left off! Perfect, hope she finds out about everything...


  24. I have said it before... he has got to kill her. The way Deb is, there is no way they can co-exist -- especially her knowing what he is doing. Either his "dark passenger" will take over in violent rage and kill her, not really being aware... or they will struggle and she will get killed. Deep down he loved his brother and whacked him too. Plus, Deb (Jennifer Carpenter) has been expanding out lately in other series.

    1. Dexter killing Deb is ridiculious. Never gonna happen. That goes against everything the character has been evolving into. He might as well kill Harrison too when he gets older to stop him from asking too many questions about his whereabouts during night. I think Deb will live longer than Dexter and she will raise Harrison after dex is executed.

    2. Dexter could never ever kill Deb... This is one of the most important and strongest rules of the show, set in stone. If they changed this, then all would be lost and they know it. Because since the very first episode and the "if I could have feelings for anybody, it would be Deb" and from everything he does and risks for her, it's obvious that he would rather sacrifice himself than hurt her.
      And about her not being able to cope with the truth about him - read the books, man ;)

    3. If you've ever read the Jeff Lindsay books, which this series is based off, you would know that Deb gets along just fine with Dex knowing that he is a serial killer.

      Just fine meaning not fine at all, but not to the point of non co-existence.

    4. Also don't forget that Deb killed someone too in an episode. (the Fuentez brothers a.k.a. the Santa De Muerte killers) and I recall her telling Dexter that she did not feel any feelings of remorse from killing one of the brothers and her asking Dex if that is fucked up. She can relate to him because technically he is cleaning the streets of the scumbags. Then in season five she was somewhat ok with the vigilantes going around killing people because those people were all connected to the crime of rape and murder. So in conclusion, I do not see Dex having to kill her at all, I see her and Dex butting heads over it as she will have some issues with him doing what he is doing but it will not be enough for her to turn him in. I expect for her to keep it a secret to the point that if perhaps someone else finds out about his serial killing addiction and sounds the alarm she will have no choice but to do her job and go after him if he gets caught. Its sort of like a truce between them.

    5. Good comments. No,I never did read the books so didnt know if Deb and Dex would be able to exist with each other after the secret is known. I did forget about the Fuentez brother she nailed. I always just thought she had too much cop in her. This is one reason I like this format -- lot of great Dexter fans. I think reading the books before the new season sounds like a plan

    6. You are absolutely WRONG!!! Right after season 6 ended, this site posted and interview with Scott Buck and the person asking questions asked him if Deb was going to find out everything about Dex or just this one kill and he was very clear in saying that they were NOT going to cheat the viewers and they are going to go ALL THE WAY with it and not hold back at all. So NO you are wrong. She is going to know it all. Scott Said that there have been so many close calls with Deb almost catching Dexter, and that he didn't want this to just be another close call with her only finding out a little bit. It's going to be good.

  25. @ Anon 5:58: Executed by who??

  26. Cannot wait......

  27. sorry guys but this pic is a fake

  28. Are You..... Gonna Arrest Me??

  29. Are you....... Gonna lick it before you stick it

  30. ARGHHHHHH How I can survive 3 months when they give this amazing photo O_o

  31. I cannot live without Dexter for 3 months. I just cant do it.

  32. why we can see a light?? if i remember it was a night when dexter killed travis

  33. what a season 7? can't wait to see it,

  34. Of course she doesn't bust him, besides with La Guerta finding that slide? She is going to feel she has to protect him from her! Watch the slo mo of the speeded up season premiere promo, it is AMAZING!~

  35. I love this show so much...couldn't watch the final when it came out because i didn't want it to end but OMG Debb is gonna kill someone, and i just found out that they were married.This changes things...

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