The TOP 10 Moments of Season 6 #1: Deb Finds Out

The TOP 10 moments of Season 6: Here's the number one. The top scene of the season and probably one of the best of the series. Deb finds out! Amazing scene, huge cliffhanger. Hit the jump below to see the video...

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  1. Wow..What a surprise here. I couldn't have guessed this one.

  2. Obviously this is number one, but we got freaking "hammertime" and other shit instead of ANY of the big moments with Deb?

    The best moments of this season aside from this one weren't even up here. For my money I'll take the "Dexter deflates Louis" scene (the whole video game scene, which was awesome) or D&D exchanging I love you's, or Deb giving her WTF look at her psychologist. All of those were better than at least six other scenes on this list.

    1. Yeah i agree Debra scenes with her therapist were one of my fav in the series and i loved the awkward moments between Dex/Deb specially in episode 11 & 12 :)

  3. Ι wanted Luis in the top 10.

  4. For next season's opener, there should be no flashbacks from the other seasons. Just cut straight into what Deb does next after Dexter says, "Oh God."

    1. Considering that they have to account for Harrison's actor's obvious aging over the offseason, I think they might skip ahead a few months and flashback to the church scene.

    2. Yea that's the issue with child actors, can't pick up in the off-season right from where you started. Kids age super fast.

    3. I don't know, didn't we hear before that season 7 will PROBABLY start exactly where season 6 ended (or somewhere close to it)? But you are right, I'm wondering how they can handle Harrison's actor's aging without the time jump...
      On the other hand - this is Dexter! And I'm sure the writers can come up with some great way how to solve this :)

      edit: I've found the article where Scott Buck says the season 7 will probably begin where 6 left off:

  5. Truly it was an surprising moment of the era. I never expected such thing to happen.

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