Latest From Watch With Kristin - Episode 7.01 "Are You....?" Scoop

Latest from E!Online's watch with Kristin. Hit the jump below to read some interesting spoilers about the first episode of the forthcoming season of Dexter!

Luke: I'm dying without Dexter! Is there any scoop you can give me?
You are so in luck, because we just got our hands on the title of Dexter's season-seven premiere: "Are You….?" Decipher away! Oh, and one more thing. The premiere will flashback to Deb and Dexter's childhood.

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  1. agh cant waittttttttttt


  3. are you........ the bayharbor butcher?

  4. Flashback to them playing "doctor" or what?
    This isn't a good enough scoop for me lol.
    Sooooo impatient.

  5. I think it will be like: Dexter are you the Doomsday killer? He says no and that Travis killed because he was going to kill Harrison!

  6. How are they going to do that with the child actors from season 1, 7 years older?

    1. Probably with actors who look similar, but aren't the same people as the kids from S1.

  7. I'm SOOO looking forward to it! Please, guys, does anyone of you have a time machine I could use to watch this episode already? I would always be in your debt, 'cos else I'm probably gonna get crazy from the waiting... 5 freaking month to go!

  8. There HAS to be more to the childhood story! For one thing - why didn't Harry try to get help for Dex once he realized what he was instead of steering him in the other direction? And why didn't he take Brian too? That story that he was too old and would be "damaged" doesn't read right. More deep, dark story lines to be revealed! Keep 'em coming!!! Is is Sept 30 yet???

  9. This is an interesting epsiode. Bring the flashback will be an excellent thing that scrip writers have done so far.

  10. Cool Pic. Pic alone Attracts people

  11. Deb: Are you .... going to let me have credit for solving this doomsday killer case or not ?!?

  12. OMFG - knowing that much is TORTURE!! I feel like a starved puppy that was just given a whiff of a nice, juicy steak! LOL

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