C.S. Lee Claims He's Not Coming Back For Season 9 - Wants Dexter Fans To Start #BringBackMasuka 'Campaign'

C.S. Lee told DexterDaily he won't be returning on Dexter.


Vince Masuka was undoubtedly one of the funniest and most memorable original Dexter characters.

Earlier this week, C.S. Lee aka the actor who portrayed him for eight seasons, shared a photo on his Instagram account from a filming location that looked nearly identical with the one Dexter was filming in Bolton, Massachusetts. Which immediately started speculation regarding a potential Masuka return in season nine.

Read more below!

Here's C.S's photo.

The man that looks like Clyde Phillips... who after all, (spoiler alert!) isn't Clyde Phillips:

One day later he shared on his Instagram account a video from the project he was shooting on a super rainy day. Locals from New England (area where Dexter is filming this season) immediately (somehow) recognized the streets and responded to the video with Dexter related comments!

So... was C.S. Lee filming Dexter? According to what the actor himself told DexterDaily, the answer is no!

We can confirm that he was actually shooting NBC pilot "Dangerous Moms" where he played a character named Victor, and the location was actually the city of Atlanta in Georgia.

Our speculation in that article was apparently wrong, and everything was just a misunderstanding! Damn it, Masuka! 

C.S. Lee now wants Dexter fans to begin a sort of 'campaign', so Showtime could listen and bring him back. The thing is, season nine wraps filming in two weeks and the scripts are already written. Perhaps his wish may come true in... season 10? 😉


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