A Possible Synopsis I: The 'Debra' Spin-off (Speculation)

Considering the imminence of a Dexter spin-off, one which we're excited to see take the show's universe into its next eight years, we cannot help but wonder how much of the same cast that decided that eight seasons was enough would be involved with a spin-off. If Michael C. Hall is going to have a main role on the show, why not just keep Dexter going for another eight years? After all, the Dexter universe without the character himself would just be another crime drama. If the spin-off were to revolve around another character, what kind of possibilities would arise?

Note: all synopses will be written assuming Dexter ends up dead and are only intended as entertainment. Look out for a new one every week!

-         Coming fall 2014:
Debra thought that she had locked her demons away, yet her past comes back to haunt her as she takes on her brother's legacy and becomes her own private investigator... of serial killers.

It couldn't be that unwatchable. Speculate in the comments what a Debra spin-off could be like!

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