ICYMI: Review of Last Week's "Do The Wrong Thing" by DexterDaily's Emily Sofia

Warning: This review is spoiler-full! In case any of you are still reeling from last week's new episode of Dexter, "Do The Wrong Thing" and you're craving someone else's take on the madness, feel free to check out my latest vlog recap/review of the episode here! I try to respond to as many comments as possible, so feel free to watch as well as leave your thoughts, reactions, predictions and conspiracy theories on the video. Leave your comments here, too! What do you anticipate is coming up? How many "wrong things" happened in this crazy chapter, and what are the implications?

If you enjoy the vlog, here is a playlist of ALL my Dexter-related vlogs (from the beginning to the latest): http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8C1A1EE4D791082C 

You may also feel free to follow my Twitter page, here, or my Facebook, here! I'm more than happy to talk Dexter with you. It's who I am and what I do. Thanks for watching! 

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