Dexter Season 6 Replay: 6.07 "Nebraska" on Tonight

ROAD TRIP! Tonight: the re-run of the seventh episode of season 6 "Nebraska" on Showtime. The episode was written by Wendy West and directed by Romeo Tirone.

Dexter finds himself teamed up with a fellow Dark Passenger when he takes a road trip to Nebraska to tie up some loose ends from the past; Debra deals with the complications of her promotion as she leads the Doomsday investigation.

Refresh your memory by watching the promo below and find everything about the episode here.

Post a Comment

  1. The best season 6 episode.

  2. Agree!!!!! И вправду, это самый сильный эпизод 6s, пересматривать можно бесконечно.

    1. Хахаха, сколько сижу на этом сайте, русскую речь вижу впервые )))

  3. Tak já začnu česky a hodně lidí tomu bude rozumět :-))

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