Showtime President David Nevins on the Possibilities of Dexter Season 9 (Once Again)

Yesterday Showtime President David Nevins, between others he talked about the future of our favorite TV show, at the TCA panel. He remains unwilling to put the word “final” on the long-running drama, though “the plan” remains to have the Michael C. Hall vehicle wrap up after two more seasons. “I would be stupid to not leave the door open,” he said.
Photo: THR

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  1. Just give it the ending it fucking deserves. Open or not.

    1. Seconded. But the writers and producers said 8 is "definitely" the last season. I trust they already decided how it ends.

  2. YAY! All Dexter fans want more seasons of the best show ever made.

  3. What the hell are you guys doing? You guys are gonna kill the show with so many unneeded seasons.

  4. The cat is out of the bag.. I have accepted it's end December 2013. Its time to be done

  5. *rages at David for trying to lead us on.* The last thing we need is a cliff hanger ending for season eight. I would rather there be a TRUE ending to a great series rather than it be left open for another season. Its already been confirmed that season eight will be the last one so why retract such statements?

    1. Because they want to go X-Files route and spin it into a movie... Dexter has the DVD sales to pull it off. So you budget that sucker for right about 50 million, nab yourself an A list actor for the villain that Dexter is hunting, and you go to town.

      Manny Coto brought it up once and Vince Gilligan is already talking about it with Breaking Bad.

      How great would it be to go to a movie theater in 2015 to see Breaking Bad and Dexter on the big screen?


  6. First the Hobbit and now this.....

  7. As much as I love it, it needs to end right. I really don't think dragging it out is going to do the show any good.

  8. Great series deserve great endings. If you just add season after season, it only gets worse (Prison Break, 24).

  9. this guy is all about money.

  10. The show needs to end with Dignity. I would be angry if they cliff hanger season 8 in hopes for a Movie.

    Let the show be done. I have accepted it... And i hate movie theaters so that would piss me off to watch Dexter in a theater

    1. How would they even do it?

      It would have to be rated R, right?

    2. Most movies about serial killers are, in fact, rated R...

      Technically, so is Showtime. :)


  11. Stargate SG-1 did not even have a weak ending, it had no ending at all. And why? Because they made some movies to earn even more money.

    Let's just hope Showtime is not only about money...

  12. I guess is not going to have season 9 cuz all the cast is already saying goodbyes... :(

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