Screen Caps & Slow Motion Video From the Latest Dexter Season 7 Sneak Peek [Spoiler Alert]

Spoiler alert! Showtime released few minutes ago a new sneak peek which contains new footage from the seventh season of Dexter. See all the screen caps after the jump below. Warning! Contains spoiler from the first episodes of the upcoming season!

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  1. NeedlestickinghedonistJuly 2, 2012 at 5:49 PM

    geeeeek :)

    1. From "Lost in Space" wikipedia page: "Dr. Zachary Smith (Jonathan Harris), originally an utterly evil would-be killer who became a sympathetic anti-hero by the end of the first season, providing comic relief to the TV show (and causing most of the episodic conflict)."

      Not sure what this will mean for dexter/louis, but here is the link to the page:

  2. i'm guessing debra cooks some spagetti for dexter, since that looks like her new house.

    1. spaghetti with Travis blood's sauce... Yummy!!

  3. BritishDexterFan1992July 2, 2012 at 6:30 PM

    Excellent stuff cant wait until September this is definitely interesting stills they have released for us, first reaction to the sped up images where "oh showtime you bastards :P" then realised there were slowed down versions and stills so oh well :)..

  4. My initial reaction was "oh snapples!" then I proceeded to try and click frame by frame to make out what was shown but thankfully someone slowed down the video as well otherwise I would be sitting there for hours clicking and cursing that I clicked too far ahead by mistake only to redo it all over again.

  5. very interesting the first picture of what appears to be Travis in the Church, wrapped in plastic with burned wood on top of him... Dexter is to the right.. Hmm

  6. I think Deb's having nightmares... she has too good of a heart for this to not almost kill her soul.

    1. 6:54

      I really love this comment. You are exactly right. Can you imagine finding out that someone you love that much is a monster? It would destroy you.

      I've never felt like hugging a TV character before, but if any character in the history of television deserves a hug, it's Deb Morgan!


    2. absolute agree with to you Z. there is also a risk that Deb's mental healt is further compromised after this terrible shock. Remember that this type of shock has transformed Dexter & Brian. Can it will transform Debra too?

  7. all that frames come from the only first 3 episodes!!
    this season will be great!

  8. Summa summarum:
    - flashback with the Morgans
    - the chuch is burnt down
    - Deb covers Dexter (obvious)
    - Dexter eats meat
    - Deb investigates something
    - final moments of Chicago Mike (maybe)
    - Quinn is in a bar (the russian club?)
    - Louis is a geek

    1. i add another three points:
      - Dexter steal a body (maybe Travis)
      - Dexter is onboard of "Slice of Life" (throw the body?)
      - Debra puking (Maybe is pregnant) LOL!

    2. Most luckily Debra is pregnant. This could unravel her strange feelings in season 6 (on the other hand she has denied the possibily of pregrancy that time).
      Plus in Dexter book Debra becomes pregrant too.

    3. Looks like Mike gets killed because he stops someone who has a dead body in his trunk.

      Deb pegnant? That would mean Deb is pregnant from Quinn. So don't even think about it.

    4. Can we stop with the pregnancy bit? In Deb's words "not unless it's the immaculate conception".

      Deb will have a baby in season 8 - Dexter's baby.

      That way when Dex dies, Harrison will have a half-sister, and if she falls in love with Harrison when they grow up, then a certain group of very morally concerned fans can finally feel justified in bitching about incest!


    5. "- Debra puking (Maybe is pregnant) LOL!"

      The puking scene looks very much like (lighting, color, mood) some of the other frames where D&D seem to be talking stuff on the sidewalk.

  9. Looks like Dex killed Deb's pet when they were kids.

  10. I think its funny how if you look closely at the picture of Burnt Travis a large beam "fell" with a nail piercing the exact spot Dexter stabbed him…lol

    1. If you look carefully you can find that the "nail" is the ancient roman sword.

    2. That makes me almost giddy. One of the first things that came to my mind after seeing 6x12 was "why not stick the ancient sword into the wound and make it look like a ritual suicide?" Torching the place didn't occur to me, though. That's a nice touch.

  11. 7:30 i love when someone say that deb cover dex is obvius , because i dont know how could be, dont make sense a show with dex in a prison

    1. And then there is the shadowy figure of a woman with a machete walking towards Deb while she sleeps...

      Buh Bye Deb! We are going to miss your F-Bombs!!!

    2. NeedlestickinghedonistJuly 2, 2012 at 8:49 PM

      something tells me that's deb dreaming of dexter, check out the way that scene is lit. maybe not. however. no one is killing deborah, especially at this crucial point. it's been six seasons and some people are still going on about that.

    3. This blog is about the TV series, not the books.

      It's Debra, not Deborah.

    4. I hope you step on a lego brick with your bare feet! Untighten your pants..

    5. NeedlestickinghedonistJuly 3, 2012 at 4:58 AM

      hahahah patrik!

      and 1:56 deborah deborah deborah deborah deborah

    6. I can attest that 4 sided dice are way worse than Lego bricks, but perhaps we can save that for a real grievance?


    7. Hah, if you say so. Lego hurts like a bitch though. ;)

  12. Where did that fire come from in one of the church pictures? In one of them, there is no fire, then in the other one, they are observing the fire. Also, what is that crime scene. It looks like the church burned down---Oooooh. I think the two are related. They started the fire, burned Travis, (Meaning Debra would cover him), then it burned down the church. Which would explain the crime scene and why Debra is talking to the news anchor.

    1. And inspite of the fire, Laguerta finds evidence of the BHB. And we have to wait 89 days for this. I'm going to have an aneurism. *_*

    2. Your not the only one...

  13. Oh my God these made me so excited, I don't even know what to do!! Can anybody make out what's going on in picture 3? It looks like someone (Dex?) pulling or pushing something into someone's (Deb?) eyeball? A nightmare maybe? Or am seeing that wrong....

    1. I think that scene involved a mafia's murder. No Deb, no Dex.

    2. Hey, the frame of Deb running after Dex as he wheels a body away is missing! Just quibbling.

    3. These are 35 pics. But the teaser contains a total of 47 frames. So yes, there are some pics missing.

  14. I like the picture at 0:23 I can only imagine the amount of F-Bombs Debra is using on Dexter!

  15. I just noticed the box Deb is looking in is Ice Truck Killer evidence. It's about time they started bringing back stuff from the past. It's well overdue. Can't wait.

    1. I think Louis sends her the box as he is the owner of the Ice Truck Killer evidence. It makes sense.

    2. Louis got the hand off ebay, not the whole box with the rest of the evidence. You make no sense.

    3. ITK? The resolution is to low to read what's on the box, but the shelf behind her has an empty space with the Letter "F" on it.

      "F" for "Ice Truck Killer"? Or for "Brian Moser"? Not really.

      But maybe for "Fowler, Boyd".

      Would make sense, wouldn't it? She suspects (or knows, we don't know yet how much Dex tells her in the church) that Dex killed before and suddenly realises that Lumen looked exactly like the Barrel Girls.

  16. I hope the guy with the screwdriver in his eye is Quinn.

  17. Looks like Deb is back on the Treadmill.

    1. Of course she is. She just found out the guy she is in love with is a serial killer.

    2. That's what i meant. Last time she spent all day on the treadmill was at the beginning of season 2.

  18. Why did they burn him? Just because Deb didn't want her first big case as a lieutenant to be unsolved?

    1. Or maybe Dexter dont want slaugther the body in front of Deb.
      My God, he's so sensitive.... so sweet... :))




      My God, he is so sensitive .... Sweeter

    2. In that case he would have told Deb to leave, just like he did with Miguel.

    3. Since Dexter got rid of Professor Gellar's body, everyone else at MMPD will probably assume Gellar killed Travis and torched the church afterward. They can't very well close the case just because Travis is dead; not if they still believe Gellar had something to do with the DDK killings.

    4. Dexter used Gellar's hand for his tableau. According to vince, the hand was removed post mortem. MMPD thinks Travis killed Gellar.

    5. Oh, okay, thanks. I forgot all about the hand being used in Dexter's tableau. The case can be closed then.

  19. ahahha ahha he kills deb hipostese not believe this, so if I saw mesmo.a

  20. It's kinda funny: We are all like "omg, what's he gonna tell Deb", but someone close to Dex finding out he's a serial killer is actually a very coomon story element:

    season 2: Lila

    season 3: Miguel

    season 5: Lumen

    season 6: Debra

    The only difference is that Deb is not a one-season special guest star, but a main character, so she will be there in season 8, too.

  21. Dex' syringes being found by airport security?

    Maybe he's really on the run.

  22. If Deb is looking through the Ice Truck Killer box, than she will find out that the arm is missing. Maybe that is why in one of the pictures she is talking to Vince.

    1. That was also my first thought when I saw the picture with Vince. He's screwed...

  23. SPOILER ALERT- La Guerta finds Dexter's blood slide at the Travis's crime scene and starts to suspect that Dokes was innocent all along, starts looking into Dex and Louis will end up killing her!!

  24. Science, Mr White !!!
    TOO COOL !!!
    Only a week n a half till Breaking bad starts up season 5 !! Yeah BABY !!!

  25. Did anyone else notice that Dex walks with a wheel chair in a french speaking place? I don't know what you guys think but I doubt there is any signs written in french on it in Miami.

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