Dexter Season 7 Episode 5 - Filming Has Begun

Episode 5 of the seventh season of Dexter begun production few days ago. The episode will be called "Swim Deep" and airs on October 28.
Photo Credit: Showtime

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  1. That could either mean that Deb finds out Dex dumps his victims in the ocean, or that Dex has to hide from someone.

    But as long as we don't see Dex with a M60 in his car I'm quite confident this series gonna have some kind of more or less happy ending.

  2. Dexter doesn't need an M60, he is all stealthy and shit...

    Besides, if Dexter was in Walt's place, Gus would have been buried somewhere in the desert by mid season 3, probably in the same grave occupied by Jessie, Tuco, Hector, the two nephews, and Ted Beneke.


    1. Breaking Bad is badass TV. Brilliant. WALTER FUCKING WHITE for president!

    2. Dexter and Breaking Bad provide the same amount of pleasure as having your c*** sucked while smoking crack. Kidding of course, but you get what i mean.

    3. I want to say BECAUSE I SAID SO, ten times in a row! Woo!

    4. Dexter wouldn't have killed Ted, but shown him his anatomy skills:

    5. The ending was kinda scarry: "I forgive you."

    6. Yea, Walt is on a power trip... I don't know which was scarier, "I forgive you." or "Because I say so..."


      Breaking Bad is on a very nice run for a show, but I still like Dexter better because Dexter and Deb are likeable and fragile. I can find it in my heart to cheer for them and wish for a happy ending, no matter how whacked they are, whereas with Walt, Jessie, Skyler, et. I am not emotionally invested in them at all because, it's meth - they are peddling poison to our children and our stupid and poor. I will actually cheer when someone finally puts them down.

      Actually, what I think is going to happen is that most everyone will be dead, Skyler will be doing life in prison, and Jessie will become a master criminal, and Hank and Marie will move to Washington DC with the kids - they'll get to raise that little girl as their own, and I will enjoy it.

      I want a more open or even happier end for Dex and Deb - and why? Because Dexter is always best when it's shiny evil, dark, and happy at the same time. The perfect end for me would be Dex and Deb getting away with everything, and a scene with Deb reading to the kid(s) while Dexter slips off into the night with a knife and a glint in his eye under a blood red moon. Because THAT is the essence of Dexter and always has been.

      I want them to have a definitive end, because I want to know that I can always revisit them in "my darkest dreams".

      BrBa is a thrill ride, Dexter is a fantasy - and I think too many fans lately have whackadoodle expectations that one should be like the other. YUCK!

      Orange juice is good with champagne
      Milk is great with chocolate syrup

      But you don't put champagne in milk or chocolate in orange juice - Blech!


    7. Excuse me, I "don't" want them to have definitive end.


    8. I can cheer for the characters of both shows. :)

    9. Patrick:

      I'll cheer for Walt until he dies of cancer. :) I know the idea Vince Gilligan has for the series - and I am fairly certain how it is going to play out. Pretty much everything in Breaking Bad follows a delineation of logic, each season you know where it's going, like at the beginning of 4, we all knew Gus was doing his swan song and what a swan song it was! My favorite bad guy of all time. :)

      Like that M60 - wouldn't surprise me a bit if it had something to do with Walt busting Jessie out of, prison? Yea, I am thinking Hank is put Jessie away this year, don't know why, but it just popped into my head.

      Darts at the wall...


    10. i'll cheer for that character, no matter how he ends up. :) gilligan has created a very inspiring character for me, even if his actions are condemned by some. i won't judge the actions, i'll leave that part out, because i realise there are different views on that subject matter. but his HUGE transformation? VERY encouraging for me. i even welcome the decadence that is about to follow. btw the formation of 52 with bacon in the beginning was such a subtle reference.

    11. I did not see what he was doing with the bacon - I have some eye issues, bleh - I need a bigger screen!



    13. I think we all agree that Walt will die in the end. The question is just how:

      Cancer, being shot? And if yes, by whom? Jessie, Mike, Gus' boss, the police, Hank?

      PS: I'm pretty sure there won't be much money left in the end.

      PPS: "Filming of episode 5 has begun": 0 comments
      "... Braking Bad...": 15 comments :)

    14. The money keeps slipping through his fingers, doesn't it? Ill gotten gains and all of that.

      Actually, there were lots of Dexter comments on this thread... it's just that they didn't give us much more than "filming episode 5" and we are in a post CC Lull! And, after all, we have actually SEEN an episode of BB, and Dexter and Game of Thrones are in their offseasons ---- actually I am still recovering from the last two episodes of GoT, they were so awesome my eyes bled. I never thought I would see movie quality epics on television in my lifetime.

      *sniffle* I am so happy...


  3. Geez, episode 5 already?

    1. I want a real trailer. (Like the "Personal Jesus" trailer last year.)

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