Dexter - Episode 7.02 "The Shadow Knows" - Promotional Photos

Three promotional photos for episode 7.02 "The Shadow Knows". Hit the jump below to see more...

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  1. I would guess Deb believes Dex in episode 1, LaGuerta tells her about the BHB in episode 2, Deb confronts Dex in episode 2 (second picture) and Dex finds out that someone knows that there is a conection between him and the ITK (picture 3), i.e. Louis is the "shadow".

  2. in the first pic Harry look really pissed off!
    What Dex telling to Deb in the second? She look stunned....
    Countdown: -60 days!

  3. That Harry photo is very nice.

    1. Fatherly Harry.

    2. It's like he sees right through me in that picture.

  4. Love James Remar.. And uh oh the ITK hand makes an appearance

  5. I'm a little surprised to see Dexter's blood slides all over the place like that. Usually he keeps them so neat and tidy.

    1. he searching for some clue about the hand? Or maybe he realized that missing the Travis's slide...

    2. Keep in mind, earlier in season 6 he dropped all of them. Perhaps he is looking over them for that reason?

    3. Watch the season 7 trailer. The blood slides are scattered like that because DEB found his kill kit and slides. What we're seeing is probably Dexter talking to Harry (in his mind, sitting where Deb is in the trailer) about how to handle what Deb has confronted him with.

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