POLL: What Did You Think of the Latest Dexter Season 7 Promo?

Yesterday, Showtime finally graced us with another teaser - promo for the seventh season of the show. In the promo which is called “Truth Brings Light”, we see new footage of both Dex and Deb accompanies the killer’s signature voiceover, as he ponders his current states of affairs. “Here we are, in the moment of truth,” he muses. “Everything in my life has brought me to this point. It’s what I am, it’s all I am. I can accept that … but can she?” The video has already more that 110.000 views on Youtube. What did you think of the teaser? Vote now!

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  1. But can she... That is the question... The promo was very well done and just enough to keep people hooked.. I watched it 3 times

  2. I cannot count how many times I've seen the trailer since last night. I am so excited to what the writers have up their sleeve this season. I do hope Deb doesn't hide her own little secret, and tells Dexter about her feelings for him.

  3. Anonymous, i think they set up the Deb being in love with Dex so that she almost has to love him so much she cant turn him in... But does she continue to see her therapist? And what does she tell the therapist... So many questions

    1. well yeah that's the obvious reason for the "romance," but i do hope they continue the story line and maybe they'll become a couple. i know Dexter doesn't need a love interest this season but it could probably make the show even MORE exciting! he doesn't need another Lumen or a Rita, he needs a strong and trustworthy woman like Debra. She'll never betray him(i mean, as far as we all know.)

    2. I even think it works both ways, i.e. not only that the romance was good for the whole post-church situation, but that the church scene was also very good for the romance plot. Because one thing is that both Debra and Dexter have strong feelings for each other since probably always, but this revelation about Dexter makes it even more interesting. I mean - imagine if Debra didn't see him kill Travis and she would just tell him about her feelings for him. Whatever his reaction would he, he would know that she loves him for what she sees in him, not necessarily for what he really is, simply because she doesn't know who he is. And he would probably think she wouldn't be able to love him completely, even with his "inner monster". But now when she knows... If NOW, after seing him kill Travis and probably eventually learning the whole truth about him, if now she can still love him and tell him that, he will know she loves him really for who he is, in all his complexity. And THAT would be something, wouldn't it? :)

    3. Moony -

      That was my favorite post of the day. Thank you.


    4. I want to see the therapist on Dexter's table.


    5. Yes she can still love him, even knowing everything. But it doesn't have to be romantic. That's a fool's paradise, certainly in the context of this world, Dexter's world.

      If she can find it in her heart to accept Dexter, will she have second thoughts over Brian? After all Brian and Dexter shared the same trauma? She freaked out in disgust over Brian who she had romantic notions over. I mean, she keeps falling for "inappropriate men". Dexter is no different, right? What makes him more acceptable to her than anyone else crazy she's been involved with emotionally? The fact they've grown up together? With everything Deb has been through, finding out about Dexter would, you would think, just send her over the edge. I'm starting to feel disillusioned with it all, like there's no consistency anymore, nothing based in reality anymore, nothing reliable or solid in the background anymore, like i can't quite grasp it anymore. Is it all too fantastical? I mean, Deb & Dex the best tv love story ever? Really? Maybe I'm just tired...

      Sorry, I feel grumpy tonight.

    6. Difference is Dexter kills serial killers. (Mostly anyway.) :)

      Dexter is good. The scene in season 5 where Deb tells him straight out that he's good comes to mind.

    7. Here is the time to ditch the argument because I don't want to start escalating this, especially if you are grumpy.

      If you don't like the story that's been set up, if it doesn't fit your particular vision or fantasy of the show, I am sorry, I can even sympathize a little.

      "I have been there"

      My favorite show in the world was Chuck. I hated Chuck S5, I hated the vision they had for the end of the show, but at one point I just shut my mouth and walked away, because no way was I going to hang on the forums and troll and ruin it for the fans who agreed, accepted, and loved that direction.

      Nothing worse in the world, than to be enjoying your show, and having some chronic complainer hanging on your ear and doing their best to ruin the party and believing that if they complain enough they will get the show runners to change their mind, or get the show runners fired - that is a real fool's paradise. It just get's ugly and pointless. Then, no one else can enjoy it either - all because someone didn't get "their way"? Come on!

      I have an exact vision of this show as well, but I am not writing it, and I am not silly enough to think that they will follow what I would do, or what I think is feasible. For example the scenario that I just laid out for Hannah, is not the one that I would choose, nor is it even set it stone, it's what I "think" might happen - it's pure conjecture on my part, so I might be pleasantly surprised or rudely surprised. I will wait and see.

      If I were writing Dexter, at the end of S8, Dex and Deb would "escape" together and live in some third world country, setting up a movie a few years down the line where some serial killer is vexing the FBI and they reach out to the Morgans - granting amnesty to catch this guy. That's how I would do it.

      But that is NOT going to happen, and it's going to disappoint the shit out of me when it doesn't happen, but hey! The world does not revolve around me - so if I don't like something, I learn to live with it, or I walk away. After all, it's just a show... that I have watched every episode of over thirty times! LOL

      But no matter how you slice it, life is too short for a perpetual whine!


    8. The difference is that Brian tried to kill Deb, while Dex killed his own brother to save Deb.

    9. So what are we saying? That deb is ok if someone she knows and loves kills people as long as it isn't her? If they try to kill her, then she can be repulsed. But if they don't try to kill her, then she would be ok about it? That's the potential inconsistency for me.

      I'm not whining (apologises if it sounded like I was). Just having a surreal moment. Exhaustion and grief :(

      Deb is such a fantastic character, it's like what Carpenter said... I want her to remain true. As long as whatever they throw at me is tangible and believable and not just to facilitate The story or create some controversy, then I can run with it...

    10. The main difference between Dexter and Brian is that Dexter only kills bad people. No matter who he would want to kill, he kills only bad guys, thus somehow making the world a better place for everyone. Brian killed whoever he wanted - he didn't care if they were guilty or not. And Dexter killed Brian mainly just to protect Deb, because Dexter cares about her more than about anything or anyone else.
      Yes, without Harry's education Dexter would probably be the same as Brian... But now he isn't... And our understanding of what is good and what is bad is mainly created by our parent's education, whether we want or not, anyway. BTW please note that since Dexter has had people who love him, he eventually evolved into someone capable of true fondness of his dearest. Brian on the other hand had nobody like that, he had no one to love him... That's probably another reason why Dexter and Brian are completely different... Brian just wasn't so lucky as Dexter, he didn't get the chance to evolve into a good person, mainly because nobody taught him how to do that. It wasn't really his mistake... But it doesn't change anything - at the end, Brian and Dexter both grew up into completely different men.

    11. 5:52

      It is absolutely tangible and true to her character. If you pay close attention, especially to the first two seasons, and the first episode of season 3, it is patently obvious that Debra has romantic feelings for Dexter.

      In the novels, it's on a whole different level, because Dexter obsesses more about Deb than Deb does about Dexter. There are moments in book 4 and 5 where his jealousy towards Debra's boyfriend flat out emotionally cripples him at the most inopportune times.

      This was deliberately built into the characters, it seems fairly conscious by the writers. I think in the first season they were trying to emulate the flirtations between Deb and Dex in the first novel, but by the second season, I absolutely believe the writers and Michael C. Hall, and Jennifer Carpenter, when they say they were deliberately playing with it.

      All evidence, all scenes, and everything about it strikes the resounding chord of "yes this is how it is, how it always has been". Yet a certain segment of the fanbase continues to deny "deny - deny", and at this point it has almost become comical or nefarious, depending on how you like at it, like one of those insane "ideological" denials. You know - it reminds me of Neo-Nazi's, Fringe Catholics, or Muslims that say that the "Holocaust never happened" that it's all a "fabricated conspiracy". Of course none of this whack-a-doodle argument is based on empirical evidence, but solely on how they want to see the world.


    12. bleh* typos.

      "look at it"

    13. Moony

      There is a scene in book 6 of the novels, between Dexter and Brian, where Dexter is questioning why he is so interested in Rita and the kids, and being a part of their lives (despite the danger of Deb finding out) and Brian explains why he wants to be part of Dexter's life:

      "You have always had family, people who loved you - I went from foster home to foster home and they were often cruel to me, there was never any love. Nobody cared about me, brother. I want what you have always had - family."
      (PS - that is a paraphrase from pure memory, do not have the book in front of me)

      I have to say, Brian Moser was a good villain in the show, but he is a way creepier and cooler in the novels - much more complex. Also, he understands the unspoken stuff between Dexter and Deb. He brings it up again and again.

      Brian: "What IS it with you and that GIRL!"
      Dexter: "She's my sister..."
      Brian (with skepticism): "Uh huh..."

      Ironic, that even a psychopath like Brian, with little or no emotions, is sensitive enough to pick up on the incestuous vibe between Deb and Dex. Which makes you wonder about certain other people...


    14. Does Deb know who Brian is and is she cool with it? I haven't read any of them.. I mean if this is from the sixth novel, did he never try to kill her in the novels?

      Don't worry about spoilers, I won't be reading them anytime soon.

    15. Patrik:

      She does know who Brian is, and yes he did try to kill her - the scene with Deb on the table was pretty close to the TV show, except in the book it was in the cargo container at the port, and Dexter had more of a struggle - Deb was not gagged and she saw everything and knew everything, and she was trying to talk sense into him, but he was completely whacked by everything that had happened - he was going on this weird Freudian trip of identifying Debra with his mother, and raging about how his mother betrayed him by dying and leaving him." It was bizarro! lol - he kept going: "Mommy, Debby, Mommy! Debby!" et

      LaGuerta tried to shoot Dexter to save Debra, but Deb warned Dexter - she was willing to let Dexter kill her before she would let anything happen to Dex, so Brian took the opportunity to knife LaGuerta and kill her, then he escaped when he realized that Dexter could not kill Debra.

      He stayed gone until book 5 when Dexter's daughter was born. But Debra does not know he returned. Deb and Dexter were taken captive and were about to be killed when Brian came to their rescue with a shotgun, blasting up the place. They got out, but Debra was unconscious so she never saw that it was Brian that saved her. She still has no idea that he is in Dexter's life, she would of course, kill him or take him in if she knew.

      Also, in the books - Deb has at least one blood slide of her own. A little gift that Dexter made to her. She struggled with who he was for awhile, but finally broke down and accepted that her father was right - and actually ordered Dexter to kill a bad guy that she could not put away.

      By the end of book 6, Debra is so corrupted that she is not above planting evidence or destroying a police officer's credibility in order to protect Dexter.

      After a close call she tells Dexter "We got away with it!"

      Dexter is more "evil" in the books. He slices up his victims one piece at a time, starting with fingers and toes, et. He is also more human, can't just beat anyone up.


    16. Also - Patrik:

      The books are distinctively "Dark Comedy" - they are hysterical, and have a totally different tone than the show. There is a point where Dexter is under investigation and makes himself a peanut butter sandwich out of stale bread heels and washes it down with warm tap water while making this awesome inner dialogue about how pitiful his life is. It's one of the funniest things I have ever read.


    17. Thank you that's awesome. I hope that the writers take Deb in this direction, maybe not as far as destroying someones credibility unless it's Laguertas (f'king bitch!) but asking Dexter to kill some bad guy who got away. That'd be sweet.

    18. Brian was the best character ever. I think the writers shouldn't have him killed.

  4. i kind of disagree. i think dexter should be with a "normal" person..and being with his sister, even foster sister is far from normal. He needs some balance to his dark side. Or no relationship at all. So yeah, imo there won't be any Debra-Dexter Romance next season.

    1. He did normal (Rita), it didn't work - she died.
      Moving on...

      Debra has always been his rock, his anchor, the person that Harry told him to "lean on" when he felt himself slipping. She's the bride in this Frankenstein story baby!

      I suspect that Hannah is going to be a Lila type character, trying to seduce and entrap Dexter, and I think her move on Dexter is eventually going to force Deb to confront the feelings that she stowed away after witnessing Dexter's kill.

      I think Dexter will find himself in a place where he figures out Hannah is out to get him, and that things are closing in on all sides, and then he notice that he only has Deb - somehow he will dodge the bullet (with Deb's help) and then towards the end of S7 and beginning of S8, Deb and Dex will get their moment in Paris before it all goes to hell.


    2. @Anonymous (on the June 22, 2012 3:20 PM post): You are SO correct. I'm almost positive that Hannah is going to be that edgy femme fatale whose pursuance of Dexter forces Debra to confess her feelings. Jealousy's an awful bitch like that, and it would be a great catalyst for her honesty. The writers of the show said that they won't be dealing with Deb's romantic feelings right away but they will NOT be shying away from them this season. So that would be an excellent buildup.

    3. I'm not a huge Rita fan, but she didn't die, she was murdered. And, while, I don't mind femme fatale's I don't want to see another psyco-b*tch smarmy Lila character.


    4. If we are going to get retarded and start splitting hairs: When you get murdered, you DIE.

      Just saying.


    5. Somebody clearly didn't watch the last season of Torchwood.

  5. i ditto with Anonymous.. I doubt there will ever be another moment where Deb wants to tell Dex she is in love with him, However MOONEY You have an excellent point, she see's dexter now in his natural state...

    1. "Dexter in natural state" is caller "Brian". Dexter, on the other side, has been properly conditioned. Dexter is the serial killer bonsai.

  6. Well Scott Buck did say they were not going to shy away from the story aspect of the Deb/Dex romance. I think they look at it as if they get the fans of the show talking about it then they succeeded in their writing even if a lot of people do not like that story arc at all, their goal was mainly to write a story to get the people talking and to try and take an unpredictable curve between Deb and Dex.

  7. NeedlestickinghedonistJune 22, 2012 at 6:21 PM

    Dexter is not good...:P not by standard definition of "good" anyway. actually, depends on each individual's idea of what is "good" or "evil". objectively, he's very twisted and i don't think that by the end of the day he's better than brian. ps brian ruled. but for debra, whose harry's daughter after all, his actions will appear forgivable in the end. he will challenge her beliefs and naturally being who she is she will interpret his actions as noble. it seems perfectly reasonable for her. i can't wait for this season. something tells me it's going to be so good. so good.

    1. He's good good. Under the circumstances I think he's good. :(

      Don't hate me.

    2. He's not good good*

    3. NeedlestickinghedonistJune 22, 2012 at 6:31 PM

      Hate you? HA. Yeah, right. :P as if...

  8. I don't like the road they are taking. Once again the writer are missing a great opportunity and f ing up a great show. Just because they are not blood does not make it ok that she supposedly loves dexter. He was what 5 or 6 or something when Harry found him. C'mon it's stupid cheap and sick! And the deb we have come to love over the past 6 yrs first would not fall in love with her broth and second would not, not turn him in.

    1. It's awesome. It fits the show perfectly.

      PS - Anyone who holds such a strong opinion and is willing to go off on the writers of the show and tell us "how it is" should at least know EXACTLY how old Dexter was when mommy got chopped up.

      BTW - the answer is 3.


    2. NeedlestickinghedonistJune 23, 2012 at 6:35 AM

      nice comeback!

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