PHOTOS: Michael C. Hall & Jennifer Carpenter Together In Venice Beach CA (Feb 8)

Dexter costars Michael C. Hall and Jennifer Carpenter were spotted together in Venice Beach, CA, on Wednesday February 8. Click the link below to see more photos...


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  1. awww, i want them back together!

  2. awww i wonder what is going on..

  3. SO CUTE. Ahhhhhhh omg fangirling because I love their relationship, friendship or not.

  4. Looks like a typical divorced couple to me...

  5. True Valentine's day story :)

  6. I'm so glad they get along <3 whether they get back together or not, it's great that they are on good terms.

  7. Ha! He's just breaking the news that Debs getting killed of in the next season. What a great guy :D

  8. I really like them:)

  9. I heard from someone in another portal that they are back together because cancer is back and Michael is dying. I really hope it's not this.

    1. I hate to say this but your never really cured from cancer. Some of those pictures of the two together look happy, others look grim. We'll never know of course.

  10. Anon at 1:31

    Spreading rumors like that is pretty whacked.

  11. Doesn't sound like it. It's probably just a friendly meeting. Yes, some pictures are a bit TOO friendly for a recently divorced couple, but they are good friends from what I hear. So maybe it's not all that weird.

  12. They are just getting into character for the Deb/Dex love scenes coming up in season 7. :)

  13. If only ALL divorced couples were that friendly.... Good fire them

  14. The pack of cigarettes in his pants drives me nuts. Why does he still smoke? :(

    1. It's probaly his cellphone and he doesn't smoke and i don't think he had either. Why would you think that?

    2. He does/did smoke. Someone I know who has been to outdoor filming locations has seen him smoke. That was before he got cancer though. He would have to be nuts to still be doing it now.

  15. 2:48

    Actors smoke because they have to stay so skinny... but, it might be a cellphone?

    1. hahahah oh my god. This is the worst comment ever hahahahahaha its called exercise buddy! hahaha loser

    2. Marto:

      I spent years at a talent agency - I used to work with actors, actresses and models all the time who HATE exercise and either smoke or do drugs to stay thin. In fact someone very close to me ended up in rehab for just that reason.


      One day when you grow up and learn to act like a human being, maybe you will be less of a presumptuous jerk on these boards.

    3. PS - this is not an opinion on who may be smoking, I have no freaking idea what people are talking about in this picture, i see no cigarette - was just explaining why actors smoke sometimes.

  16. Michael C. Hall dresses like Debra Morgan!

  17. I've seen him smoke on the set. He smokes. Every time he pulls out a cigarette, I think, "why are you risking lung cancer?"

    1. What kind of cancer did he have anyway? Lung cancer?

    2. I think he had Lymphoma.

    3. He actually doesn't smoke. Stop spreading the lies! I'm sure if he did there'd be pictures by now. If you have a picture, I'll believe you

  18. Never seen a pic of him smoking.

    Anyway, so happy for them. They make such an adorable couple, I do hope they're back together. He looks so happy

  19. This is such an invasion of privacy.
    But the photos are lovely regardless.

    1. Invasion of privacy doesn't even begin to describe it. But, it is still nice to see the two getting along so well.

  20. like someone said . . . some pics are a little too friendly for a recently divorced couple


    i want them back together though, lol

  21. .......awwwwwwwww, they are in LOVE!!! <3 <3 <3

  22. Its great... i don't think too many people has a friendship after you know what.... :)

  23. I really hope they get back together :)

  24. This is an obscene invasion of privacy. I wish this site would stick to news about Dexter and news on the professional lives of Dexter's stars. These pictures are precisely none of our business.

    1. Legally this is not invasion of privacy. Anyone on public property, even Police and Gov. Officials, etc can be filmed and photographed.

    2. Well I wasn't talking about what is the strict legal definition of privacy.

      IMO, taking photographs of famous people going about their day to lives, away from their professional lives, is an invasion of privacy, and an obscene one at that.

      Do you think that because they went for a date (or whatever) on public property, it's OK to take photos of them and disseminate them worldwide, probably against their wishes? By that logic, the cameramen who shove their lenses up female celebrities' skirts are perfectly OK to do so because the celebrity was wearing a skirt on public property, so we are within our rights to see up it?

      Regardless of what the law defines privacy as, this is an invasion of their privacy.

  25. 11:37

    The price of fame and fortune.

    Every day hundreds of millions of people across the world toil at jobs they hate, go without adequate healthcare, and struggle to pay the bills. Many of them will never get a taste of their dreams.

    Here are two people living it out... but you know, even when you've made it, there are no free rides. I am sure they have learned to adjust to the times, just as we all have, and then one day they will have their anonymity back.

    I understand what you mean. If I were there, I would not take the picture. I would give them their space. But since the pictures are all over the internet, I don't mind peeking. To be honest, the images brightened my day a little bit.

  26. First off, I cannot agree too hard with this being an invasion of their privacy. When you choose to become an actor on a television show you have to realize that this could potentially be the price of fame. Besides, neither have come out and said anything or complained about it. They knew things like this could happen. I draw the line when the paps are stalking people and I disagree with silicious gossip but I think it's totally fine for them to take a couple of photos if they see someone famous on the street. To me this seems a case of some dumb photographer saw Jennifer Carpenter and Michael C. Hall together and decided to follow them for a few minutes and take a few photos. I'm ok with that.

    I always thought that Michael C. Hall's cancer played a huge role in their breakup. Many people after going through something as awful as cancer come out different people which can have a huge impact on their relationships with their loved ones. I'm sure it's been hard on both of them and I wish them both luck in whatever choices they make.

  27. Interesting views and opinions as long as you are happy and so are they does it really matter in the grand scheme of things.

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