POLL: What Did You Think of the Final Scene of Season 6?

Finally, she knows! What did you think of the finale scene of season 6? Vote below!

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  1. I love Dexter season finals and, in my opinion, 4th's is the best... Rita in the bathroom...

  2. At the time, it was a thrill. But given that Deb had told him twice to go to the church for forensics and he'd said he would after the pageant, I was sort of expecting her to come in at some point. The problem is that it's a cheap thrill. They could have had her begin to connect the dots about Dexter's strange absences, certain "coincidences," and his behavior in general. Therapy would have been a great way to do that. The cliffhanger could have been a suspicion, a question, not an answer, and it could have led to a whole season of cat and mouse between brother and sister -- pitting Dex's survival against his love for her, trying to throw her off, but never quite succeeding. That's out the window now. Unless of course she runs away from the scene gets hit by a car and loses her memory or some other cheap trick.

  3. Marion:

    Your ideas are soapy. She has been putting the pieces together, only she's been ignoring the picture it forms. If you love someone that much, why would you even want to suspect them of the absolute worst? This was inevitable, just deal with it. Dreams and memory loss are soap opera devices used to stretch storylines. She will now be able to accept it from him since she knows do much more about his past and she has no sympathy for violent killers. The love thing will pad now that she knows the truth, or, at least, some of the truth.

  4. Marion:

    You need to go back and watch the show. Deb has been connecting the dots since season 3. In fact Seasons 3 and 4 both dealt heavily with her investigation of her father's and by association Dexter's history.

    You can only have so much of that before it gets repetitive and dull. They HAD to pull the trigger now. It should have been done last year (and I think Scott knew that) but it wasn't.

    This season was the perfect time as it sets up the final two seasons. We did not need ANOTHER season of Deb looking into things. We now get the much more interesting two seasons of Deb struggling to come to terms with her love for her brother and her sense of duty as a cop. A much more intriguing storyline than another half to full season of her digging into her brother's activities.

  5. I actually agree with Marion. She's never suspected Dexter of being a serial killer or even being up to something nefarious. She's thought things were weird that never led to any real suspicions.

    If at the beginning of the season she had some clues that Dexter might be involved in a murder, but wasn't sure and couldn't help herself from looking into it and her detective work had led her to that moment in the church I think it would have been much more powerful. Also you would have gotten the will she figure it out or won't she suspense throughout the season with Dexter trying to throw her off the trail.

  6. maybe she knew all along when Biney had her on the table and Dex stopped him. i can`t remember if Dex said anything when they were talking but mybe she was awake and remembered that and lets him off the hook? the writers have to be 1000% careful with this as this is possibly THE pivotal moment of the whole of Dexter.

  7. I would even have accepted that Dexter had finally thrown her off the trail and she had moved on and THEN she just walked in on him. I just wanted the suspense of the hunt.

  8. Epic! ?! classic!? Dexter!!!! Great choices, but LOVED the final scene! Its made the season worth every second. Batista and Quinn's stoner scene too!

  9. And what to think about the other cliffhanger. What about that hand Dexter got from the Louis Green?!?

  10. I think it is another one of Debra's funky dreams about Dexter..... since she is now in love with him (eeww, by the way).

    OR..... he is now going to have to kill her, hhmmm

  11. I always thought it was interesting when Deb would ask Dex to go somewhere or do something and he always said he couldn't, that he had some "personal business to take care of." Never a follow up question like "What kind of business?"
    Geez, its only them two, what kind of business could be attending to?? My family would be asking a hundred questions/RC lol

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