POLL: What Did You Think of Dexter 6.10 “Ricochet Rabbit”?

What did you think of the 10th episode of season 6, "Ricochet Rabbit"? Vote below!

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  2. I wish every day was Sunday, and the clock read 9:00 p.m.

  3. Can't imagine having to wait till 9!!!!! I knew this season would 'eventually explode'!!! OMG!!!! Medical scare with the gas is going to fine back with a bun in the oven ......

  4. So Deb used to sneak into her brother's room to be near him while he was sleeping? Dexter had to have known... being the way he is.

    I thought this stuff was going to stay "in the closet" so to speak. =P

  5. Oh I just realized something profound.

    In a way, Dexter is the modern retelling of Mary Shelly's Frankenstein!

    Harry is the Doctor, Dexter is the Monster, Deb is the Bride...


  6. The episodes have been intense but they are casting Dexter as much more sloppy - his planning and execution are usually much better but in this season so far he is missing obvious clues and killing people less methodically (pot dealer in Nebraska, new disciple on the boat)

  7. This episode was very satisfying. From dick swinging Laguerta to Mathews getting busted. And personally I love watching Dexter work a crime scene so that is always a plus. I also think Deb is shining a lot this season, she was never bad or anything but I feel like her acting has improved. Hopefully Laguerta gets poisoned in next episode, bitch!

  8. Geez louise…don’t bore us, get to the chorus!! Couldn’t he have just said that it was by far the most exciting episode of the season. Travis is short on his loony pills and has officially gone off the deep end. As for his sudden abruptness to “crazy Travis”…he’s mentally ill and can turn on a dime. Multiple personalities + schizophrenia = should not be walking the streets without supervision or before you know it, you’re attacking your professor with a rusty sword and stuffing him into a freezer. There is nothing more exciting than a crazy serial killer on the loose. (TV only) Not to mention that Dexter definitely was having a psychotic episode…he always gets torn up killing someone without planning it. While “Doomsday Adam” was also a nut job, I’m sure Dex is a little pissed that it went down the way it did.

    Batista or Quinn? God only knows…but I think one of them is gonzo!

    Now onto Louis, the perpetual wildcard. It’s a little odd that someone would be so heart broken by a guy he barely knows giving him some constructive criticism. This fuels the “Louis idolizes Dex” fire that’s been burning for a few episodes. Not to mention that he includes the Bay Harbor Butcher as one of the most notorious serial killers EVER in his video game along with the likes of Jack the Ripper. I think Louis definitely knows who Dexter is and is a big fan. He was expecting more of a “Wow, this game is amazing!” (Dexter inter-monologue: Now everyone can pretend to be as cool as me.) But instead Louis got the cold shoulder of disappointment from his idol. I gotta be honest, I really don’t know where this is headed…but it’s going to be exciting.

    All and all, great episode!

  9. Dexter is getting really really sloppy, if he continues like this i wouldn't be surprised if he gets busted in season 7, or season 8. He's keeping evidence from the police and even altering crime scenes. Straight up stabbed "Doomsday Adam" in broad daylight. Not to mention him speeding in his car shooting at street signs lol.

  10. The episode was great.I have, however, only one complaint:This episode should have been named "The Fuckpad", not "Ricochet Rabbit".

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