When Will Dexter Season 6 Starts In the UK?

A lot of fans from the United Kingdom are asking when will the sixth season of Dexter begin in their country. According to sources Dexter Season 6 is scheduled to begin between June 15th and 29th 2012, on FX UK.

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  1. I live in the U.K. and have NEVER watched a single episode on TV! Before you all go crazy I bought the first 4 on DVD but since I've got caught up I've been keeping in time with america by watching downloads

  2. that sucks wonder why it takes so long to air there lol

  3. Same as 1.27, i have never watched an episode on TV, Got the first 5 series on DVD and then streamed the 6th season

  4. According to @FXUKCOM on twitter, season 6 due to start in uk on fx channel MID MARCH 2012...

  5. Dexter is apsoloutely brilliant. Can't wait for the next season to begin on FX.

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