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- __S01E01 "And in the Beginning..."
- __S01E02 "Kid in a Candy Store"
- __S01E03 "Miami Vice"
- __S01E04 "Fender Bender"
- __S01E05 "F is for F*ck Up"
- __S01E06 "The Joy of Killing"
- __S01E07 "The Big Bad Body Problem"
- __S01E08 "Business and Pleasure"
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Best kiss on television... EVER!
ReplyDeleteI want more, even if they are just dream sequences. :)
Eww You sick person
Deleteumm Dexter and Debra arn't actually blood related so its not discusting and also IT'S A FUCKING TV SHOW WHICH MEANS ITS FAKE DUMBASS!!!
DeleteDoes it look like he's kissing her right above her chin? It looks like he misses her mouth entirely.
ReplyDeleteEwww. That episode really disturbed me. Where the hell did that even come from? Straight outta left field, that's where!
ReplyDeleteWhy is the blog making me watch it over and over! NOOOO WAY TO AWKWARD
ReplyDeleteI wish they would just leave them as brother and sister...this is tooo weird
ReplyDeleteI'm loving this season and all it's unexpected curve balls. It'll be interesting to see how this unfolds, wether or not Deb will act on this awakened feelings or just let them slide....
ReplyDeleteI dont think that they'll continue this Dex-Deb situation. Deb finds out that Dex is a serial killer and........................................................................ ;)
ReplyDeleteI don't find this as gross as everyone else seems to think. They aren't related by blood and it's highly unlikely that Dexter will feel the same way about Deb as she does to him - seeing as he has a hard time with emotions and only BARELY grazed the surface of what love was with Rita. It's highly unlikely he'll feel the same way about Debra, even though he IS very 'fond' of her.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, this is the most excitement I've felt from this show this entire season, I'm glad the writers took this route.
Debra has always loved her brother "above and beyond" what a normal sibling relationship should be. I think it's the best love story on television. They have great chemistry, it's awesome.
ReplyDeleteIt's why she won't turn him in when she finds out.
ReplyDeleteIsn't that the point of the show though, that Dexter is becoming more human and having more emotions and that is what is causing him to make more mistakes?
Michael C. Hall quoted the pivotal doctrine of the series: "If I could have feelings for anyone, I'd have them for Deb."
I think him falling in love with Deb all the way would be the ultimate expression of how far the character has come.
It was very awkward and wasn't happy that it was happening. The writers are turning the Dexter show into a soap opera, eventhough they are not biologically related, Dex and Deb were raised as siblings. Please don't pursue this storyline!
ReplyDeleteThis is a serial story. Love stories have been part of the show since the beginning, and this is the interesting weird love story that has been running through the course of the show. Rita is dead - there is no other woman for Dexter that we are interested in other than Deb.
I thought it was real, because we haven't seen a dream sequence on the show for a long time. How did it make me feel? Well, it just creeped me out. Taken in the context of the show, it felt like watching a blood brother and sister kiss. I know that MCH and JC were married, but I'm very good at separating the actors from the characters they portray on screen. I think that kiss is the most shocking moment of the season. Which is funny, because seeing all the tableaux this season didn't affect me that way at all. I just found those to be amusing. I think the tableaux were just so over the top that I couldn't quite buy into it, but that's getting off topic.
ReplyDeleteI know I'm not alone in thinking that Travis and Lisa had an incestuous relationship growing up, and now Debra had this dream; more accurately, nightmare. We were never directly told about Travis and Lisa's involvement, but I felt like their relationship was strange. Their closeness seemed inappropriate to me. I would probably think Debra and Dexter's relationship was inappropriate, too, if I was new to the show. It's just that we understand Debra and Dexter's closeness, because we've had six seasons to invested in them as siblings who have been through a lot together. The short period of time we spent with Travis and Lisa just might have caused me to read too much into their relationship. I think the same thing happened with Debra's therapist. Since the therapist hasn't known Debra for long, she can't really be an accurate judge on whether her relationship with her brother is inappropriate, or not.
The kissing/dream sequence really made me laugh, too. I think it was more nervous laughter than anything. Personally, I'm enjoying all this focus on Debra and Dexter. They are the main two characters, so it's interesting to explore their relationship by taking every avenue possible. Though, I don't think this will develop into anything romantic at all. I think it's all just another obstacle they are subjecting Debra to, to make her decision even harder when she learns about her brother's secret.
ReplyDeleteIf I was a therapist, and I listened to Deb for several months, and then witnessed that hug in the parking lot... come on, the actors played that romantically. She closed her eyes while she was in Dexter's arms as if she were slow dancing with the love of her life.
Anyone would see that, not just a trained therapist.
Who out there would hug a sibling or family member that way? No freaking chance, as much as I love some of the women in my family no way would we EVER share an embrace like that. Not when there is lingering and eye closing.
The therapist is right, Deb is in love with her brother. She always has been. I "wondered" about it in the pilot, but I absolutely was convinced by the end of the first season. Then at times it seemed like they went away from it or dropped the thread, but then they would always come back again out of the blue, with some oddly noted scene to remind us - oh yea, Deb has that thing for her brother, and it's a little bit that way for Dexter too, except he is not as emotional about it.
So this was a HUGE payoff for that 20% of the audience who was tuned in to that storyline the whole time.
It actually came up one time at a Dexter panel in season 3 - and the producer handled the question with a wink wink, that's when I knew for sure we were eventually going there.
Well, I think the relationship between Dexter and Debra is a little more than brother and sister; I just don't think it will go to the point of developing into anything real between the two. I don't think either of them would cross that line. Personally, if it did turn into that, then I think I would have to stop watching.
ReplyDeleteI never started watching this show for pure romance. I only started watching because I knew it was about a serial killer. Sure, I know the show has developed into more than that now, but I think developing a full-blown romance between Debra and Dexter would take the show too far from its roots. Dexter is a protector of Debra, but that doesn't mean he is sexually attracted to her.
Dexter and Debra may not be blood related, but it would still be gross for them to be together. "Harrison, this is mommy...AND Aunt Debra." I'm all for the show to explore that possibility, but not making it a reality and they end up in bed together. I think that would be beyond stupid. Well, if it did happen, I probably would keep watching, just to see how pathetic and ridiculous the show would get. That's not to mention that a relationship to that degree would get them both fired and no one would accept it. They both would become ostracized; not just Dexter once his secret is out. Not like that really matters, though, because Debra will already be destroyed when she does learn of Dexter's nighttime pursuits.
I'm okay with the whole Dex-Deb thing, but only if this particular track is of some importance to the big picture. By that I don't mean taking it further down some romantic, tortured "Fool For Love" route a la Sam Shepard, but by having it as part of something truly dramatic, with life and death repercussions. Heck, all I want is for it to feel like, an organic part of the Dexter saga, not some cheap stunt.
ReplyDeleteThat kiss is plum over her mouth. It's just that her face is tilted away from camera and the shot cuts away quickly, which gives the impression he got her chin. Good kisser, this man.
ReplyDeleteThis was one of the most intense scenes of the whole series! It definitely stirs up emotions in anyone whose watches, regardless off your viewpoint. I'm glad the writers decided to take this path. Their on screen chemistry is fantastic and the taboo of it makes it even juicier!!
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to see where it takes us next season.
Anon at 10:28
ReplyDeleteThat's what I mean. They have to follow through on this thread... they can't just drop it now and pretend it never happened or it would just end up being a "cheap stunt".
I feel like Deb's intense love for him is the reason that she will accept what he does. In her dream he tells her "You have grown" "Not everything is so black and white" Her subconscious letting her know, not only does she love him, she needs to accept him without judgement.
I got dizzy when I saw this scene!
ReplyDeleteAlso, the therapist is such a sl***t!
Debra's head is full of sh***t because of the therapist! I don't think that Debra is really in love with Dexter!
Anon at 3:51
ReplyDeleteIf you were Deb's therapist and had listened to her worshiping Dexter and ripping on all her past boyfriends for several months.
Then you observed that embrace near the paramedics which had OBVIOUS romantic overtones, I mean, god, Deb holds him with her eyes closed like she is slow dancing.
You would probably say the same thing.
Deb never gave the therapist a chance to tell her how to cope with it, she just walked out.
It is a therapist's job to get you to admit an "emotional reality" , so you can actually "deal" with it rather than letting it run your life.
Anon at 5:27
ReplyDeleteWhich brings us to my point.That therapist is a fucking good one.
@ 6:48
ReplyDeleteShe is fucking good. What is really interesting I gotta say, from a fan standpoint, is reading posts about how the 'therapist led her there, she trusted her!'. Bulls##t. Watch that scene again. The therapist talks about Debra having 'complex' feelings for Dexter, because of severe past traumas they both shared together. Debra is the one leading it to, 'be with him' and 'in love'. And you could tell even the therapist was surprised at how upset Debra got. The insinuation being that Debra has considered this before.
I was totally taken off guard by it though. So I watched some older episodes again. And damn, they did set this plot line up. Very subtle, very clever. Watch the episode where Debras having a welcoming party to her new house.
--She has more friends over than I even knew she had. Close ones too. Angel, Masuka, and even her ex crashing the party and making a huge scene. Then we go to Dexter hunting down Nick. Then cut back to a dark empty house, panning over to a lonely Debra, spinning a phone in her hand. Shes calling Dexter. But Dexter is killing someone right now, so please leave a message. After she cannot reach Dexter, she finds the card for the therapist and kudos Jennifer C, some revealing acting right there.
-- Then they don't even go subtle anymore. Debras literally in the therapists office the moment she cannot get closer to Dexter
-- Remember the scene where the therapist is telling Debra how to get Dexter to confide in her? Make it about him, stop talking about yourself Debra. But look at Debra, has she ever looked for focused or considerate? That's the look of a woman who is desperately trying to connect with someone emotionally.
But whats the really bizarre and kind of cool part? Debras behavior never seemed to call any red herrings. Yes, it was weird that shes this clung to Dexter. But is it any different from any other season? No. So is out of left field? Absolutely not. Been there since the pilot.
I'm interested in this story for the psychological ramifications and the obvious path it has towards Debra seeing Dexters dark passenger.
I think that this is an interesting dynamic to explore, however, as on previous comment stated, If Dex and Deb actually do end up 'together,' the show will probably be hard to take completely seriously. Just think about Dexter's opening narration for season 7 'this is Deb, my foster sister and girlfriend' all credibility and audience connection will definitely be harmed. However, what I think will happen is that Deb is going to die before 3rd episode, season 7. Just sayin'
ReplyDeleteI have read alot about the last season finale trying to make sense of it myself. Though it's obvious to everyone they are brother and sister, their relationship of brother and sister never fooled me - they are too close for just a brother sister relationship and the fact that they are NOT BLOOD RELATED makes the whole love thing seem really obvious from the start of season 1, but Rita and the kids did manage to take out the Dexter-Debra thing for a while. Everyone became invested in their relationship and forgot about dexter and debra as a potential couple.
ReplyDeleteEveryone talking about this has just been talking about debra's feelings but no one has mentioned dexter's. I think dexter has been in love with debra his whole life while growing up together, but has never been able to admit it or even think of it.
Next season will definitely be interesting to see how debra will deal with dexter's dark passenger and the love she feels for him. She will accept it just like Harry did, however, it will be tough to see her confess her real feelings for him knowing what he really is. She might not be able to do that next season - she might by the end of it though hopefully.
When i saw this scene i was cheering finally! but im like this seems fake. she is too hehe. and then i was mad cuz it was. BUT THEY KISSED :D I have been waiting seasons for this. Dexter is very FOND of his sister. maybe even the same feelings we don't know yet.
ReplyDeleteI'm so excited for this interesting twist! Love them together.
ReplyDeletePS: I stole the pic :-p
I think it's fine if they grew up knowing they weren't blood. IF they thought they were related and then found out they weren't and now she's having those feelings, that's disgusting.
ReplyDeleteOther than that, I think it'd be an interesting direction to take the show. I mean I find it interesting you all find it disturbing they kissed, when we are watching a show of a serial killer. Thought doesn't make you sick enough?
It's wrong. I dont like it. If it continues count me out. Lost a veiwer. Its perverted like everything else. Thought this series was different than another show
ReplyDeleteI think it′s wonderful that someone on television does not shy away from powerful topics: the conscience of serial killers, atheism and religion, unconventional love...
ReplyDeleteI like this show! it stretches the minds of its viewers.
Im disgusted. In my view... This is incest!
ReplyDeletethis is not incest!!! let me guess most of the people that don't like this plot line r against same sex relationships! get the fuck over it its a tv show grow the fuck up theyre not related!!!
Deleteive watched it and when deb wake up , i jsut begin to laugh so hard.... that must be hard to michael and jennifer do this paper... but well , i want more kisses >3 , deb and dexter s2
ReplyDeleteim the only that like it? D:
This episode just aired yesterday over here - and I just had to see what others made of that dream. How come no one has mentioned her relationship with Brian, Dex's biological brother. The fact that she had the most satisfying relationship ever (even more than the Agent Lundy one) with DEX's brother is gonna give her so much to mull over, in her confused state.
ReplyDeleteEven if she wants to push aside the emotional side of it - since Brian was lying a lot during the relationship - she's gonna be completely messed up when she thinks about the physical side of it. Remember how they used to show the two of them had a completely synced physical compatibility; poor Deb, that's gonna be a lot of "whatifs" to mess with her mind.