Latest From Watch With Kristin - Dexter Season 7 Finale Spoiler

Latest from E!Online's spoiler chat daily column. Kristin has a big spoiler about the season 7 finale episode of Dexter. Hit the jump below, if you want to read it...

Shania: So excited for the new season of Dexter. Can I please get scoop on the new season? 
Because you used the word "please," we will share one more piece of nugget about the season finale of Dexter. First of all, let us remind you that the title of the finale is "Surprise, Motherf--ker!" which always needs repeating. And perhaps that quote comes from something that happens at the end of a countdown...a countdown that happens on New Year's Eve? Yes, the season finale will take place on the final day of the year. Quite the dramatic setting, hmmm?
Photo credit: Showtime

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