Latest From Mega Buzz - Deb's Feelings In Season 7

Latest from's Mega Buzz spoiler column. Read after the jump some new spoilers regarding Deb's feelings for Dexter in the upcoming seventh season...

Now that Deb knows Dexter's secret, will she still have feelings for him this season on Dexter? — Riley
NATALIE: Deb will have some mixed feelings, obviously, which will vacillate between whether she's truly dropped those feelings and partially hating herself because she hasn't. "The feelings certainly don't disappear," showrunner Scott Buck tells us. "It'll be interesting for people to see her first response to that and how that will change over the course of the season as well. As you'll see, she doesn't get around to saying that to Dexter [in the premiere]. So in all these previous seasons, it was Dexter with the big secret; now suddenly Deb has the secret."
Photo credit: Showtime

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  1. Yes! It would be wrong to start off this aspect of the storyline and not continue with it. I personally would like to see where the whole Deb/Dex storyline aspect goes.

    1. totally agree, start off this aspect of the storyline and not continue with this would be very bad
      but i am sad about " hate " i would could hate dexter, if he saved my life , killing his brother,,
      to is simple: kill inocents =crime
      kill killers = great
      i dont care if his reasons is not for justice,,i care that kill killers and is not crime for me

  2. Great. Torn characters make for great stories. :-)

  3. ops,,i am 10;31,,,i would never hate dexter if he saved mu life,,,

  4. I want Deb to keep her feelings...Im just not sure if I want Deb and Dex to be together.

    1. I agree, Dexter and Deb in a (incestuous) relationship would feel out of place on this show and out of character for Dexter.

    2. Actually, if not an outright proclivity, then at least increased tolerance to incest (even biological, not just statutory) is perfectly in line with a sociopathic/psychopathic character. That's psychiatry 101, isn't it?

    3. ggeal it is

      It's actually one of the "identifying attributes" that psychiatrists use to identify psychopath/sociopath behavior - the lack of sexual boundaries. Most Sociopath's do not experience any sense of "taboo" when it comes to stuff like these.

      Notice how easily Dexter fell into his relationship with Lila, or how he was willing to jump the bones of the teenage girl in the quick mart in order to get the gun.

      This is a man who cannot stop murdering people because "it feels good". Does anyone think that he would pass on the chance to experience love/acceptance/sexual fulfillment from Deb because it's "taboo"? Dexter has no taboo's - he only has the code and has shown he is willing to "adjust it" to suit his needs.

    4. Even if his psychopathy doesn't hold him back from the sexual boundaries, I think the "Act Normal" mantra has been so deeply ingrained in him that he wouldn't pursue it. Even if he has no moral qualms with it, one of his obsessive attributes is the "keeping up appearances", even if he doesn't care about them deep down.

    5. 5:33

      Yet to be "loved and accepted" is the driving force of most of his life. That will trump everything, he won't be able to walk away from it. He will just be "secret" about it, same as his killing.

  5. I'd love Deb and Dex together, but I don't believe it'll happen. Anyway, I'm glad they're keeping the storyline even after all the criticism of last season.

  6. The writers really suck, who came up with that stupid idea about Deb being in love with Dex? What a fucking loser.


    1. The jealousy/obsession/hatred/weird fixation thing was bad enough when you were making fake profiles to flame me, but it get's really freaky when you start signing posts as me.

      Z (for real)

    2. Just kidding :) I actually wrote it. Sorry for swearing.


  7. Guys, until I can find an account to log in here, I am out, so every post you see after this that is signed "Z" is for sure not me.

    Apparently people get extremely threatened by what I say about a TV show, I get into their heads and their psyches and they lose their fragile minds over my words and turn into netstalkers.

    I am out till I make a blogger profile or some such shit.


    1. Who cares? Do you think you're famous or something?

    2. PB.. I don't know what crawled up into you, were you the one pulling this?

      I'd rather not have people posing as me on the internet. I am not necessarily famous but I do have a reputation as an artist and nearly ten thousand subscribers on another account - some of whom purchase my art prints. So yea, I care when someone else posts and pretends to be me.

    3. Yeah, not sure why it'd be such a problem to not want someone impersonating you.

    4. He thinks he knows everything and he is a piece of shit.

    5. Hi guys. I just wanted to say that I was wrong

      Patrick Bateman is awesome and he rules this thread.

      I on the other hand am a complete tool and I know nothing about dexter I'm sorry I bothered u all with my annoying posts I'm an idiot.

      Your truly


    6. 7:07 - pretending to me be, and PB and whoever else.

      Dude, you've really gone over the deep end.

      Get help.

    7. I'm not pretending to be anyone . I'm not sure what u r talking about.
      Have a blessed day


  8. Reading this just made my day. I am so happy that they'll keep exploring Deb's feelings and now that she knows his secret, SHE'S the one with a big secret now! I love it!

    1. I agree Abby. I am not convinced they are going to follow through all the way, but we'll see.

  9. me, ann, too,,,go debra !!!

  10. ahahha sociopath,,,if he said that loved rita and love harrison,,he dont could love debra like a woman or sister, idn,,,?? ahahhaha
    is a show not a real sociopath

  11. Maybe I am naive but why bring it to forefront with Deb's epic clarity and realization about how she feels if it wasn't going to amount to much or follow through it. Just conflict? They could've just dropped it when he she saw him kill in that case. I think her feelings, her accepting of him, will go hand in hand - as well as her knowing he still is that man she knew. Will also go a long way with Dexter and returning it.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. i just don't want any trouble with any of you cause frankly i don't like having to apologise for shit i didn't pull to people i don't know and could care less about. time someone frantically attacks you it won't be me, there's someone else taking the piss obviously.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Come on Pb ur better then that.

    4. i think it's funny, but i think i'm a cunt hair away from being banned so i had to clarify that i behaved myself. this time. lol

  13. lmao.. you're all a bunch of weirdos.. i can't believe you actually have time to care enough to argue this much. For someone like me who pops in once in a while, you all look a little sad.

    1. run along now - it's well past your bed time.

    2. What is going on here, 10:45 is this:

      Cyberstalkers use a variety of techniques. They may initially use the Internet to identify and track their victims. They may then send unsolicited e-mail, including hate, obscene, or threatening mail. Live chat harassment abuses the victim directly or through electronic sabotage (for example, flooding the Internet chat channel to disrupt the victim's conversation). With newsgroups, the cyberstalker can create postings about the victim or start rumors that spread through the bulletin board system. Another technique is to assume the victim's persona on-line, such as in chat rooms, for the purpose of sullying the victim's reputation, posting details about the victim... blah blah blah

      Not sure what John can do about it, but personally, I am not too happy about someone assuming my identity/hijacking every thread and generally getting their freak on at my expense.

      Laugh if you want, but you wouldn't be so superior if someone went psycho on you...

  14. Yeah John sick em a crazed cyber stalker is on the prowl everybody be very careful. I heard this cyber stalker drives a red van and offers candy to his victims .

    What a joke. Get over yourself zedul

    Maybe it's someone playing with u cause u keep overreacting

    Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy. And. Wait for it


    1. lol this dude is funny. you need to loosen up. i like you, buddy. :)

    2. i don't get why everybody is acting as if a steel rod just stole their virginity. and this is the "real" bateman

    3. Lmao 7:37 Loving it

    4. Ugh, Shut up cunt...Go troll somewhere else.

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