POLL: Who was LaGuerta Talking to When She Said the Dead Hooker Case is Closed?

"It's taken care of. Yes. I'm sure you have nothing more to worry about". That was what LaGuerta said to someone about the dead hooker case. Who do you think was she talking to? Vote below!

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  1. Gotta be Matthews, remember she got the promotion because of some shady stuff.

  2. pretty sure it was doakes

  3. Got to be Matthews, no doubt. He is the only one thats got her on a puppet string and will probably use her more than this time. I have a feeling we'll really see what kind of character Matthews is! RC
    PS - Anyone else notice that Gellar (like Bruce Willis in The Sixth Sense) has had NO human contact? Unless I missed it, he has got to be ghost. What a showdown.. Dexter thinks Gellar is real, Travis has tricked Dexter... all leading to a final showdown.

  4. It's Quinn.. Do you remember him saying to badista that he is sorry for not coming to the crime scene of the dead hooker? ;)

  5. I don't see a reason for her to do something like that just for Quinn. She only cares about her career so she must be getting something in return for jeopardizing it like that which only leaves Mathews and the reason why she got promoted, i could be wrong of course.

    On another note it would be weird for me if Gellar turns out to not be real, if so he just hit himself in the face with a shovel or was it an imaginary shovel >.<

  6. And why did she ask where Batista was while being on the crime scene? Was she just missing him?

  7. I love the Gellar/sixth sense theory, that would be epic, but the shovel scene does cast a doubt, although i did notice travis had no marks on his face like you would if you were knocked out with a shovel! But then who chained him up???

    With regards to the hooker, I think it would be too obvious for it to be quinn plus why would laguerta help him out, gotta be matthews.

  8. Very good point, if you get whacked irl with a shovel you would definitely have a mark maybe it was to symbolize Gellar taking over Travis's body or something. Also Batista is one of the lead detectives so she could just of have been wondering where he was, Batista was hesitant to even smoke some weed don't think he would mess around with what ever that girl had in her system.

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