POLL: Who Killed Lisa Marshall?

In last Sunday's episode Travis Marshall's sister Lisa, was the latest victim of DDK -(The whore of Babylon). Who killed her? There are a lot of theories on her death. Vote below!

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  1. I really hope it was the real gellar. Giving Travis Marshall a split personality and trying to fool the audience in that way just sounds like bad television. There was this interview in were someone asked about one of the first episodes of season 4. Dexter had a car crash and someone wanted to know if Dexter would wake up from a coma or something and realize that everything that happened with trinity was just a dream or so. The producer said "That's bad writing." and I believe that it is very similar to this whole thing. So I hope it isn't.

  2. Great idea for a poll. I think Travis killed her. He's insane, and Gellar is a part of his imagination... or his dark passenger.

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  4. Are you kidding me, Mark? I'm pretty sure that IT IS NOT A SPOILER, JUST A THEORY!

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  7. Sorry for the comment spam, I've deleted my comments from this thread since the poll was fixed. Thanks! :)

  8. I don’t think Gellar's mortality is supposed to be a surprise to the audience. I think it is only supposed to be a surprise for Dexter himself. Something is telling me there is a bigger revelation for the viewers than answering once and for all about Gellar's existence. They very well could have divided this plan to distract us, so they can slip something in that we have yet to consider. Gellar's existence just doesn't seem to be a big enough revelation. It's fitting how I used Revelation, isn't it?

  9. In my last post, that should say *devised, not "divided." I aso see that I didn't really say what option I chose for the poll, either. I chose the option that Travis (unknowingly) killed his sister. I believe Travis killed Professor Gellar and his gulit got the better of him. Travis is now carrying out the kills that Professor Gellar was planning while he was alive. That Travis thinks it's the professor who is killing people, he doesn't have to take responsibility for his actions. Obviously, Travis wouldn't be doing that intentionally, as he thinks he is a good person. It seems like Travis thinks if he can bring about the end of the world, then god will give him his judgment for murdering his psychotic mentor, Professor Gellar.

  10. Here is my hope for the whole storyline:

    The writers have done all this, not to fool the audience, but so we could understand that Dexter did not know. So that when Dexter finally does "get" that Travis killed his own sister, it will "shock" him out of the current way he treats Deb and will lead to a revelation like he had in "Dex Takes a Holiday" in Season 4 - where he has that profound revelation, that moment where Dexter realized that he would rather risk his family finding out who he was, rather than harm them or lose them.

    I am HOPING all of this with Travis is going to show Dexter that if he does not let Deb in, it could all get much worse, like it did for Travis.

    That's my hope. The other alternative is too horrible to contemplate. I speak for myself as well as a dozen friends who watch this show. The one thing I can't handle, is Dexter killing his wife, children, or sister. If he ever goes there, it would ruin the entire show. My japanese friend is always telling me, when I first started loaning her the DVD's "Dex doesn't kill his loved ones does he? I don't want to watch anymore if that's the end". And I agree with her, and them, wholeheartedly.

    As it is, no matter how bad the show currently gets... nothing has happened to frakk with the earlier seasons. Whenever season 5 or 6 really starts to smell, I can always go back and fall into the first four seasons to get the stink off. If Dexter ever chops up Deb, or Astor, or Cody, or his little boy - I could never watch a single episode again. Then I would have a real problem with the producers. "The Code of Harry" isn't just to protect Dexter. It protects the audience that came along for the ride based on just that premise.

  11. Wow, the poll is interesting. No matter what anyone says -- if Gellar is real, or if it's a split personality thing/dark passenger, I guess the writers have stumped us. I like the storyline so far this year, especially the way its broken out to several smaller ones (Brother Sam, Trinity, etc).RC

  12. First instance, Gellar is or was real, second Why every who's refusing the theory of travis's dark passenger says is a bad turn in the plot?, I know if it is that way is pretty obvious, but there are still 4 episodes to discover the real purpose of the storyline, for me the season is great, you are confronting a serial killer with the religion the thing most people consider moral and pure, he is trying to save travis, something he never does, he left trinity's son, that's another thing he never does, in the end I'm pretty sure that mistakes going to have consecuences and that's the greatness of the show, keep you hanging on in theories, and keep you asking yourself all the time, I don't understand why some fans always are saying, hey the other seasons were better, every season at least for me has sense, is the evolution of the character, or you wnat the show always has the same storyline every season, for me at least that's bad television.

  13. The code of Harry was to kill the people who deserved to be killed not the people who didnt. Watch it properly and you will see. Like Jonah for instance he could have killed him for killing his mother as she pushed him, there was emotion abuse there so to end it all she deserved to be killed. That is why Dexter killed Jonah

  14. Yeah! I know that, but in the end I don't buy it, that story about abuse is a little forced, Jonah in some point is going to point in dexter's direction, is a loose end that is going to have consecuences

  15. i like how it's split between wether Gellar is real or not can't wait to find out. In a way i think they are setting up the story for the reveal that Gellar is in Travis's head kinda like when Dexter killed the motel guy it looked like it was Brian that picked up the knife and killed him but it was Dexter doing the deed. But at the same time my gut tells me he's real we will see!

  16. I think it's more likely that Jonah will become a vigilante type of killer, like Dexter. Jonah just doesn't seem to be able to forgive himself so easily for beating his mother to death. He may think that killing bad people will somewhat counter the evil his father was responsible for. I just think it would be neat if Dexter learned about Jonah killing with a code similar to his own. Dexter would then contact Jonah one more time and the two of them would agree to never contact each other again.

  17. Although i think it's a neat theory i don't think we will be seeing jonah anytime soon, it would stray too much from the current story. The way they left jonah though we might be seeing him in the future especially with 2 upcoming seasons.

  18. Kinda hope we don't see Jonah again. The character is intriguing, but the actor is support level at best. If he had been played by a more significant actor, then there would have been all kinds of possibilities.

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