POLL: What Did You Think of Episode 6.08 "Sin of Omission"?

What did you think of the 8th episode of season 6, "Sin of Omission"? Vote below!

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  1. was so good! one one of the best episodes of season 6 so far

  2. It's funny. Dexter is getting unlikeable because he's a crappy selfish brother not because he kills people.

  3. Yea I don't like the whole "Dexter as a crappy brother/person" thing either, hurting Deb like that just hacks me off. One of the main redeeming qualities of the character his his devotion to his sister and son. Take that away and he's just another psycho who needs the electric chair. First time in the history of the show I felt no empathy or sorrow for Dexter. If I disconnect from the character then he starts to disgust me, and worse he is now becoming stupid Dexter instead of smart Dexter. Plots that rely on the stupidity of the protagonist are always a bad idea.

  4. How is it stupid if Dexter feels he needs to save a life and stop DDK rather than trying to not piss of his sister?

  5. To anonymous posted 2 above at 1.47...YOu're not supposed to feel "connected" to the character. He is a sociopath and a serial killer! The premise of this show is truely macabre, Dexter doesnt need "redeeming qualities". Now as much as i use to love the connection between Dexter and Deb, and find it hard to watch a wedgde bring driven between them, it has to happen. Its the only place this show can now go to truely make it amazing and step it up a notch and its slowly but surely happening.

  6. To the "stupid" point at 5:41: we've seen Dexter prioritize non-immediate threats like Brother Sam's killer and Jonah while ignoring DDK which was obviously an immediate threat. He let Travis go when he had him in the car without forcing him to take him to Gellar. He stopped following him to take up things that were just of personal interest to him.

    Dexter had made for an inefficient instrument of justice this season where he previous ones he was a much more brilliant and focused predator.

    Worse I think is that Dexter has demonstrated all of this sentiment this season. Wanting to avenge the death of his friend. Having sympathy for Jonah. But, for some reason he can't bring himself to be there for Deb. I think that's made him unlikable this season. Before you could just say he was incapable of human connection, but as was earlier pointed out he's developed all this tenderness the last couple of seasons. Toward Lumen. Toward his son. But still treats Deb badly.

    I've been thinking about this too. There's been real harping on homicides "solve rate". If Dexter disappears DDK off his boat and he's never caught I wonder if Deb pays the price career-wise for never catching him. It would be another example of Dexter seeking his own needs at the expense of his sister's.

  7. On a completely different note did everyone notice that Dexter left the house in his work clothes but got out of his car at the church in his kill outfit? This clearly means that Dexter keeps a set of kill clothes in his car just in case which I thought was very practical.

    Also, why has Travis not asked "who the f are you?!?" He gets nearly strangled in his car by a stranger who turns up later with a bunch of demands and he doesn't take a moment to ask?

  8. On another another note. I want to punch Quinn in the throat.

  9. doesn't want to stop ddk as much as save/shield travis. He's playing with fire acting spontaneously and is going to get burned. Matthews was the "john" with the prostitute and Maria is covering. Her reign of terror is only beginning. Dexter's circle of witnesses is growing, protecting the person that can rat u out to the world has worked so far. Deb, (I still say she knows from season one. ignoring the obvious for her own sanity sake)., Jonah, Lumen, and now Travis. If only dexter wasnt his own detective, that % would be at 90% closed.

  10. Dexter was closest to Deb in season one. When debra connected Brian and Dexter together forever tieing him to the ITK, he stated it's over, his close connection to debra will never be innocent again. Rita's death only proved Dexter's monster/dark passenger/darkness to be too consequencially heavy to those closest to him. Pushing her away is the only way to keep her safe. Harrison is Dexter's light and sociopathically fighting the Heavy darkness surrounding him rapidly. Rita died, random kill. Lumen left, killed bitterly, monsters don't live happily ever after! FATHERS DO!!!! I AM MY FATHER"S SON! 3 HUGE DARK CLOUDS rain on his environment and always will, UNLESS Dexter learns and understands (sociopathically grieving) the consequences others paid. The mask is slipping, it's officially puddy in Deb's hands, and he KNOWS this is the only way he can live truthfully!!! Quenching his monster's thirst appeasing the monsters constant hunger grumble. Openly and honestly serving those he loves, in turn feeding that light they ignite inside of him (emotionally). Keep the faith Dex!

  11. I loved this episode. Dexter is going down! Deb is on to him now

  12. The episode was Awesomely Great! I love how the tension is building up between Dex and Deb. Im on the Psychiatrist side, Deb has been selfish over the years, the only time I can remember her being there for Dexter was after Rita died. Oh and the time she tried to protect him from Lila, haha. I get it, she is trying now but Dexter kicked started her career as a detective, saved her life and always is there to listen when she needs to vent! and that is like 90% of the time. Of course she dont get that Dexter has job to do! I have a feeling Travis may complicate more things between Deb and Dex. Deb is trying to catch him and Dex is saving/helping him. If she finds that out, she wont be happy.

  13. This was easily my favourite episode of the season! It's kind of weird that Dexter hasn't been doing any of his usual, un-spontaneous kills, but I feel like the season is really picking up. I think Travis is a really interesting character, and I genuinely felt bad for him during this episode.

    Btw, poster at 9:07 AM, please say: "spoiler alert" before you post a spoiler (I accidentally read it somewhere else). Thanks :)

  14. Mollie, I wonder if anyone ever sits down and notices how many murder suspects go missing and are never found. It's got to be an usually high number for a homicide department.

  15. Marto, or anyone who says we aren't supposed to feel connected to the protagonist of the show, I can only say: "Huh?" That is the whole point of the thing. Definition of Protagonist: "Central figure of the narrative with whom the audience is supposed to IDENTIFY" *knock* *knock* Hello? Hello? Maybe the writers as well as you have missed this whole idea behind the essence of "a story" as well as this is why we are in the mess we are in season 6. Understand that Dexter is intended to be "ironic" and "absurd". It gives us a chance to examine our humanity in the light of extremely absurd notions and situations. This is not realism, this is surrealism. There are many things about Dexter that all of us connect with. That is what makes it a great show. The fact that he hides his true self from the world, I mean who doesn't do that. Who doesn't want to fit in? Who out here doesn't feel disconnected from the people around them at times? The appeal of this show is that we all feel like monsters at times. IF it was just a show about a killer that we weren't supposed to connect with or like, there would have been no Code of Harry, no Rita, no Astor, no Cody, no Deb, and no Harrison. And we would have all been disgusted from episode one and never have tuned it. But the "fact" is this show built around a "likeable" sicko. The writers built up capital by putting together Four Great seasons, and now they are letting us all down by giving us something that doesn't remotely resemble the origin character. They have removed or killed almost half of the very best characters from the show (Rita, Astor, Cody) and filled that time with unlikeable or BORING characters (Quinn, Jamie, geeky new intern, et) and gave us the absolutely worst villain (Travis) in the history of the show. I mean, really, Travis and Gellar make Miguel Prado seem pretty darn interesting after all. All this bad theology was a mistake. These writers don't really grasp much about about religion and should never have tried to tackle it. I hate to go there, but this season of Dexter reminds me of the third novel, "Dexter in the Dark". The only reason it's watchable is because Michael C. Hall and Jennifer Carpenter are just that awesome.

  16. The biggest question is whose blood is falling on dexter in episode 9 promo. Is gellar using dexter as ritual for doomsday? I mean for whore of the babylon he made to drink blood to the woman before ritual.I know dexter is really smart but sometimes even smartest can fall into trap. Can someone please answer this question.

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