Dexter - Episode 6.10 “Ricochet Rabbit” - Sneak Peek #1

"You killed me". The first sneak peek of next week's episode of Dexter, 6.10 "Ricochet Rabbit". Click the link below to see it...

Video Source: SpoilerTV

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  1. poor dexter it always comes back to hurt him when he tries to help someone else

  2. but! how long has he been dead????

  3. Remember when you SAVED Arthur Mitchell??!!! Dexter? I pawned that off on ' to err is to be human ' ..... oops, my bad. That backfired worse so karmatically the metaphor is moving. But really? Deb and Dexter must have attended the same 'ignore the signs ' college. I see this season going in several directions, as it has been all. season. Better father means your going to have to forgive yourself and be there for Harrison, allowing the light to personally effect your focus and environment. Gruesome isn't better but the blood bath was sick!!

  4. I have a feeling that Travis will do something to Deb...

  5. Anonymous 10:57

    What if he captures her and Dexter has to kill Travis right in front of Deb?

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