Dexter Season 6 - Episode 6.01 "Those Kinds of Things" - 15 Promotional Photos

Wow! Here are 15 official promotional photos of episode 6.01 "Those Kinds of Things"! Click the link below to see more!

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  1. OMG!!! I cannot wait!!!!!

  2. Batista the new boss main~?!~?~?~? WAT!?!?! :D

  3. @ #3

    Or they're fired. But I too think they're switching :D

    Very cool :D can't wait!

  4. EEEEEEK! Now I'm fully awake this morning. A few of these caught my eye, and like the commenters above I noticed Batista and LaGuerta moving (maybe they're both promoted?), but in the 5th photo from the bottom, is Dexter killing a couple of cops? Hmmm...

  5. They're EMT's, you can see that they are in an ambulance

  6. LaGuerta look sexy and much younger. The plastic surgeon did great job.

  7. Good pics, but... what's that red stuff in pic 3 from the bottom? Please tell me it's not the intestines of dead guy the following pic.... eeecsss.

  8. OMG!!!! I need it to be September already! And this is all only episode ONE!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!

  9. lol, thanks for correcting me about the EMT thing ^^

  10. Angel is my favorite!!!always:)

  11. In a season that puts the moral spotlight on backasswords faith and strange Christian cults, those are indeed intestines (snake inserted and sewn into victim). Should be a great reflective season with lots of moral discovery through what we call FAITH

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