Dexter - Episode 7.01 "Are You...?" - Short Synopsis

A couple of weeks ago we posted the official synopsis of episode 7.01. Hit the jump below to read a short synopsis about the Season 7 premiere of Dexter, "Are You...?"...

Debra attempts to reconcile with Dexter; Mike Anderson has an unfortunate run-in; LaGuerta thinks to re-open the Bay Harbor Butcher case.

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  1. Deb has great legs.

    And yay for regurgitated news! Dexdaily, you do it for the hits, right? Why else?

    1. @5:36

      I assume you mean Jennifer Carpenter? Why do you think I'm her?

  2. Can Laguerta even reopen that investigation since the FBI took over the case?

  3. @5:36

    I assume you mean Jennifer Carpenter? Why do you think I'm her?

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