Comic-Con 2012 Photo Gallery: The Dexter Panel

Check out after the jump six photos for this year's Dexter panel at Comic-Con! Michael C. Hall, Jennifer Carpenter, Yvonne Strahovski, Scott Buck and Wendy West were there.

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  1. Look at Scott Buck's face. This guy is snob! He never laughs, and when the other panelists talk or laugh he looks somewhere else.

    1. He's not supposed to laugh, he's not a clown. I don't laugh unless i hear something funny, it's called reacting in accordance with the situation. if the other guys laughed i sure hope it was because they founf something funny and not because they felt they had to.

    2. ow bro , I am disappointed with the idea that that go hit the reset button on the feelings of Deb to please the morality that considers a saint
      I think it will do so deb forgive because it is being deceived, because many people idolize the woman
      discouraged with the show
      do you think will?

    3. they're having sex, i think. i'm pretty sure of it.

    4. i hope are rigth
      and many ppl dont like even the idea deb cover the brother
      pissed me ,,why see a dark show and ppw want just good persons ,,,?

  2. Like many writers, he's probably an introvert and not comfortable around big crowds.

    After all, he's not an actor.

  3. In the last picture Jennifer Carpenter is totally distancing herself from MCH.

    1. But her and Yvonne are standing super close, which must mean they are secretly in love, right?

      Yup, let's all play "drawing wild conclusions based on a random five inches of location"



    2. He's her ex-husband, plus he brought his new girlfriend to Comic-Con.

    3. There's a short Youtube fan video of the Twilight & Dexter panels and MCH and JC are getting on just fine. A fan asks MCH how he and Dexter are familiar and the two of them react and crack up.

    4. Anon @ 7:36, I love you for that comment. I hate when people speculate!

    5. Right. Jennifer can put her head on his shoulder while they're sitting at a public beach but chooses to distance herself from him over here. Sheesh!

    6. Her body language is definitely a cool, professional distancing. She ain't putting her arms around anyone! And she certainly doesn't look comfortable or wanting to lean into his attempt to draw her into his space.

      It's a fleeting moment. But often these moments speak volumes.

      But she is a pro. Of course she will get on with all her cast and crew. Doesn't mean that she feels entirely comfortable or happy with certain situations all the time. What goes on beneath the surface is anyone's guess. I'm impressed by her. I would find it difficult and awkward, so hats off...

    7. Jennifer said in an interview that was on the Blog site about how the Dexter character gets to rid his emotions through the killing, etc. and that she as an actor, and it sounded like she asked and fought for it, doesn't and she really wanted the scene, which is some of her best acting on this show, she is incredibly skilled, where she mourns the loss of Lundy - she said she needed that, to process those feelings, it was great and I think when she pulls so much of her weight on the show and is always 2nd to MCH, it takes a little bit of a toll maybe... but, I have seen footage where David Zayas, Desmond Harrington, and many characters look like they are having a hard time staying awake because ALL of the questions are being fired at MCH, JC and the writers. I can really understand why a lot of them aren't there. And, as MCH said, this is it folks! It is almost over, they don't need to please the fan base by coming... you know? They can use the time for getting in talks for other projects! Who knows? But it seems that it has not been worth there while to be there in the past. Actors have egos or they wouldn't be acting, and MCH I adore, but he is larger than life now, riding a high, and he definitely puts that foot forward at these... he has a right to, people buy and watch to see him for the most part, right? And he appears to know that very well. I wonder what is next for MCH? I for one they Dexter the Movie is a great idea, would love to see a shrunken season, it could be done easily with a good script from say, Melissa Rosenberg? They would be great on the big screen too! The others have careers ahead of them, no doubt, it is MCH that I worry about. He hopefully will get a good agent to land him some better roles, his film credits are not my favorite, he doesn't translate that well to film really in my opinion but, what else? He looks great, I can tell that he has had botox at the very least and a mini brow lift looks quite possible, he is almost 40? What is going on for MCH after Dexter? THAT is a good question!

    8. 1:14

      A movie, really, you are in favor of a movie now?

      Welcome to the dark side.


  4. I am waiting for the actual comic con video of this panel to come out, I hope someone filmed it :P

  5. i waiting for other promo,,big,,like last year with personal jesus

  6. Showtime had so many panel videos last year. They're sure taking their time with this.

  7. I don't get the tan face with pale lips on Jennifer. It's not working at all. Prefer her look 2 years ago rather than this hard image since the start of season 6.

  8. Does anybody know how they decide what cast members get to represent the show at these things? Because I wonder why Desmond Harrington has yet to make a CC appearance? Hell, even Masuka and Battista got to come at least once....

    1. I'm guessing it depends on the availability of the actors. They all have their hands in different projects so its possible that he simply wasn't available that day.

      Another thing that I am thinking is that not many fans like Desmond's character. He even did an interview where he said that he knew Dexter fans hated him, so it may have something to do with that. The fans at CC are very hardcore, so he may end up getting disrespected in some way, so he may not want to put up with it.

      I'm willing to bet that they all will be there next year :)

  9. Patrick Bateman please stop attacking everyone who posts a comment, it is driving me away from this Board and quite detrimental and distractive.

    my first thought was Jennifer is so distinctive and beautiful and I don't know hat amateur did her makeup ? her face seems overtly tan and not defined.. beautiful no the less

    I truly want to know who MCH new 12yr old pay thing is

    and I am slightly gutsy of reading into the 5 inches between JC and MCH

    1. I agree. Jennifer's not looking good in any pic from any source. Just a bad face day I guess.

    2. Bree:

      The only one who got attacked here is Scott Buck, Patrick did not attack anyone in this thread.

      What IS detrimental is trolling and personal attacks on producers, writers, and actors that have no intellectual or factual basis whatsoever. These kinda people must have no friends in real life, I mean who would want to be around all that negativity?

      I happen to really enjoy these artists, these are my favorite actors on television, so why would we come here to see the artists we look up to get trashed and picked at? What is the point of this site? We are being updated on all things Dexter because we love the show, not because we hate it.

      If you come here wanting to interact and treat other fans with respect, and make your points, fine, great... we have all agreed to disagree at times. But if you come here with your piss stream flying, don't cry about it when it gets blown back in your face...


    3. If you think the young blonde gal that is walking with is his girlfriend you are incorrect, they have people that walk them through the crowd who are hooked up by audio of how to get them where they are going safely, etc. She can also call for help if they get stampeded. If you notice, MCH's hands are complete straight, unlocked so to speak, I bet she loved her job though!

      And, people aren't allowed to come, they come if they want to. It isn't that much fun for them, like one huge press junket, questions repeated over and over that they can't even answer very well. Scott Buck is a snob for those who are wondering and has said that he doesn't think much of fans or people. He got shredded for last year and he is there so he can tell them when they get stumped what they can say and what they can't. Make-up is done for TV and film, she will be tan for the show, the light lipstick is the current fashion trend in all of the magazines, whether she looks good in it or not she is following the trends. Most candid shots I see of JC she has no make up at all! Did you see the promo of her ALL made up before she brings the cleaver down? What a difference! Anyway, hope that helps, I don't know where you are getting the girlfriend info from, but that is the last place you would want to bring someone, it is packed and busy and huge long lines, it is the mecca for so many things, it has expanded hugely from what it was! I am glad they are giving the fans more going in this year than ever, it peaks the interest and it is kinda silly to be so repressed about it, in fact more people get interested if they know a little of what's coming!

    4. Sorry, will try and keep this shorter, answered my own questions! 'Kill Your Little Darlings" is a movie in post now where MCH has a very interesting role - it is based on a murder that happened during the 'beat' generation, he plays an English teacher David Hammerer who was the teacher of Lucien Carr, David Radcliffe stars playing Ginsburg? Sorry, check it out on IMDb and see the incredible cast, it was originally cast with some pretty great actors in the top leads, including Ben Winshaw, sorry about sp. but is touted as the next Lawrence Olivier in England, anyway, MCH's real life character was an English teacher involved with all of these writer's and had a predatory, today would be called stalking relationship with Carr, played by David DeHane I believe, sounds like our man! I hope good roles come his way! If they got this one right, it is such a fantastic time period to write a mystery about! His character was known as being funny, the life of the party and not bothered with middle class morality - the question of sex with Carr appears to still be a question, but his family thought his character had a lot to do with what happens to him..... yes! They got our guy doing his worst I hope! He is 41, he is going to be a great character actor now, Dexter I believe, game him incredible tools for movies, he did so much on the show, and those once clever, hopefully again, voice overs aren't easy either, he has a narration credit as well, so there is always that, his voice! Anyway, sorry for the length...

    5. 12:57

      She doesn't have to be tan for the show, they use warming filters up the wazoo on Dexter.


    6. And ... 1:44 er, "patsy" right? ---- Forgive me if I am wrong, but your writing style which I can only describe as "pulses of rambling data packets" (not an insult) distinctly reminds me of a poster from another board I once frequented.

      What Buck said is that he is "uneasy in crowds of people", and that he does not are about fan outcry over story-lines, which is a distinctly and entirely different concept than not liking people and being a snob.

      Many writers and other intelligent creative artists who are NOT actors are this way in personality - it's all part of "living in your own head". Right off the top I can think of Neil Young, Thom Yorke, Roger Waters (from Pink Floyd), great directors like Terrance Mallick (downright reclusive) and John Huston, and in the same genre, writer/producer David Chase (Soprano's) who cared VERY LITTLE for what fans thought and was completely driven by the narrative in his own head.

      I am much the same way in real life... one on one I am very easy to deal with and I interact well in small groups, but in a crowd I completely shut down and people perceive me as being a "snob" when in fact I just can't handle all that input. My mind is always racing, planning my next short story, novel, or picture and I cannot process too much input unless there is a singularity to focus on, which is why I avoid nightclubs and shopping malls like the plague, but do enjoy the energy of live concerts and theater or the cinema because I don't have to interact with anyone.

      As far as Kill Your Darlings - we'll see. I am always skeptical of writer/directors who have only done shorts before and are handling quirky movies with such big names, it's not an easy thing to pull off. Likewise, I've not yet seen Trouble with Bliss but a friend of mine did not rave about it... but at least neither could be as bad as "Gamer" right?

      PS - If you want to check out a great performance by Ben Whishaw that Dexter fans might enjoy, watch "Perfume - The Story of a Murderer" it's about a serial killer who turns women into fragrances. It's creepy as fuck but beautifully shot.


  10. Saw the latest pics? Plaything is far from 12 years old. Though I don't get her style at all...even for a non-celebrity.

    1. "Plaything"....that literally just made me laugh out loud!

  11. The Babelfish-translated poster is as fascinating as he/she is puzzling.

  12. they look cute here,and comfortable too

  13. I looked there and saw nothing, but looked elsewhere and found the girl he was with on the street in the clown suit? Oh my... 41 and 21? When will they learn? Hey Tom Cruise? When??? She makes a lot of women think they had a chance, that's for sure!

    1. Totally agree.

    2. Eh, so Michael prefers his ladies to dress like 12 year old boys. Whata ya gonna do? Cringe and move on ....

  14. @Anon 12:57....I'm pretty sure that young blonde girl he's walking with IS his girlfriend. There are various others pictures of them together all over other sites, holding hands and making out in the street.

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