Dexter Season 7 Casting Scoop: Parenthood's Savannah Paige Rae to Play [Spoiler]?

According to unconfirmed information, Parenthood's Savannah Paige Rae is the little girl who plays [SPOILER ALERT!] young Debra in the season 7 premiere of Dexter.

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  1. Such a sweet girl! Can't wait to see her swearing.

  2. Her jaw line is completely different. The girl before looked a lot more similar. But I'm quibbling. ;) This one has character.

    1. It doesn't mind if the jaw line of the face of young Deb is different. The form of human's face changes with the years.

  3. i actually think she was perfectly cast.. Are we going to go back to a young Dexter and Deb and find out that Deb knew all along? Harry told her...?

    1. Harry told Dex that Deb must never find out

    2. Why did he say in Season 1 on his death bed (when nurse was giving him too much drugs to kill) for Dexter to lean on her if he feels he's slipping.

    3. ...if Harry really didn't want to find out

    4. Awesome post Joe. :) Yes, I have replayed that statement a few times. Also, Harry discussed "the lessons" and "the need" right in front of Deb. Deb even asked, "What is he talking about?"


    5. Thanks! Yeah, it's quite interesting. So many possibilities that would've opened up. I always thought back to that and other stuff that was said or hinted at in the past. Actually, I'd rather they have Deb think back to scenes like that or things were off instead of filming new scenes and show flash backs to scenes that have happened already. Whether when they're young or older.

  4. 101 days left.. can't wait

  5. Did you know that the season 1 little Deb actress and the Becca Mitchel actress are sisters?

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